Yesterday, when I was watching the final episodes ( 2 hours ) of HOuse, I got the idea of asking a guitar from my brother since he had just received his money from his online bussiness, MoreNiche. At first, he looks like he doesn't wanna buy it and he said,

M.B (my brother) : What is the use of the guitar? You don't even know how to play it.

Me: I can learn. I found a site which teach people to play guitar. I can also ask dad to teach me. Pleasseee.....

M.B : I ask you to do articles for me, but you refused. Then, I think I have a right to refuse kan?

I didn't answer him. I keep watching the Tv and thinking of a way to persuade him to buy me a guitar. He also falls into a deep silence. Then, I thought of an idea. So, I went towards him and said,

Me : Do you remember who makes your breakfast, lunch and dinner?? Do you remember who wakes you up eventhough she has nothing to do early in the morning? Do you remember who made you coffee whenever you requested? Do you remember who help you to buy your things???

He just smiled and keep online-ing.

me: Pleaasssee!! I promised I'll do even better if you buy me guitar.

M.B : Why do you need guitar? You want to be like Yuna (one of Malaysian indie singer)?

Me : No, I don't even minat her. I want to be like Taylor swift.

we both laughed.

Then, House start lagi. So, I went back to my seat. After 10 minutes, i heard him saying,

M.B : What kind of guitar do you want? Acoustic? Classic?? or do you want electric guitar??

Me : Electric guitar?? NO! I want classic guitar, but i must be expensive.

Then I saw him doing some clicking and

M.B : FUyoo.. your guitar is very expensive!

I run towards him and take a look. And hell yeah!! It's expensive!! The shipping cost itself has already reached RM100++.

Me : Goshh.. It's expensive!!

The both of us keep looking.. After I made up my mind which guitar I wanna buy, then he realised that the online shop doesn't have any delivery to Sabah and Sarawak!!! Shit!!

M.B : Opss!! No delivery to Sabah and Sarawak.

Me : Huh?! Shit!! Then what to do?

M.B : Aiyoh, just look for a music instrument shop in Sibu and buy it for yourself.

Me : No way!! I only know one shop yang ada jual which is Farley. I don't wanna buy it there. Guitar kapok ya!

M.B : What to do. If Sibu doesn't have any music instrument shop, then, no need to buy la..

Me : No!! I'll ask my friends.

Then, I quickly ask my friends in Sibu whether they knew a store yang ada jual music instrument. After my friends reply, now that i know there is quite a lot kedai yang ada jual music instrument ddi sibu tok. I rushed to tell him and then,

M.B : I've changed my mind. If you want me to buy you a guitar, you should help me to do some articles.

Me : Huh?! Aiyoo..
( I am very lazy to think and compose an article, plus, my english is not very good )

M.B : My decision is tetap and no one can change my decision. The day that you finished your articleS, I'll bring you to buy a guitar for you and myself.

He hand me his thumbdrive.

M.B : This are the articles which you need to changed. Good luck!!

Me : Chis!

At last, I have to bertolak ansur with him. It was his money after all. I've just finished my first article and is ready to do the next one. I need to work hard for my guitar for my passion towards music. My birthday is on next month, and I really hoped for a guitar as my birthday present. I hope he remembered my birthday ( remind him already. HEHE). Just wish me luck so that I can finish all 41 articles. huhh.. 41 more to go!! Aja!! Jia you!! I can do it!! i'll work hard for you guitar!!!

This video was made by myself. Because I was so in love with this song and I love to sing it, then I made a video with the lyrics itself. But please remember, I don't own the music and please don't blame me as I am one of her (Pink) innocent fans. HAHA!!! Please enjoy

Another song by Pink. This one was from her Fun House album. Why do i like this song? I like the courage of the girl on pursuing the man of her life. Although the man had already said that he doesn't love her anymore. she still love the man and she act like she doesn't know that the man doesn't like her anymore. pretty much like the story of my love life. eventhough I know that the man I love loves somebody else, I still think of him and loving him without his knowing. But I still pity the girl in the song because she made it like she would die if the man doesn't love her anymore.. like me.. huuu

This song called Lonely Girl sang by Pink. One of my favourite song. Although this one was her old song, but its still nice..

Just heard the song tonight and fell in love with it. Very meaningful song and I like her voice.. In love with Pink starting from few weeks ago.. HAHAH!!! didn't know that she had such a nice song. She had a bunch of nice songs you know? i'll try to share it with you guys but first, listen to this song..

I owned no credits for the video. I took the video from YouTube just to share it with my beautiful readers..

Just wanna share our best moment during our camp. Sorry for the very loud noise behind. Our laugh was so loud. Just for your information, the language we've been using here is Bahasa Iban (Malaysia/Sarawak/Borneo).

halloo!!! HEHE!! It's been a long time i didn't update my blog.. well, today's post was a video which i recorded few days ago.

I was joining a school camp and time tok kmkorg benung relax bh. My friend and me was the entertainer for the day. But, this time I didn't sing. This song called Love Story from Taylor swift and sang by my friend, Monica Elen. Sorry for the lyrics. we're both not really sure about the lyric. so kitorang main bantai jer...

p/s: please ignore budak kecik nok makei baju warna kunin ya..

I have not heard from you for a long time,
The last text message, when was that?
I really missed the time when we were together,
that I went through our past,
I had tried to forget but I can't.

Back to when we're still together,
there was quite a number of times when i was not be able to accompany you,
but, your answer would be,
"It's Alright"
I realized that I had been really selfish and only think of myself
I'm sorry that I've made you sad.

You always listen to me whenever I had problems
letting me to let go of my anger towards you
but you still act like it was nothing
silently cool me down and give me some space to relax.

I had kept all this silently in my heart.

forgive me for not knowing how to make you happy.
forgive me for not knowing how to listen to your heart.
Thinking about our past,
I've learnt how to make you feel more comfortable.

Don't give up on me,
Don't act like you doesn't hurt,
Don't hide your feelings from me anymore
and PLEASE..
Don't stop loving me..

That's why,
my biggest and most sincere
is just for you.
For everything that I have done to you.
Maybe it is my fault why we're not together anymore..
but it is too late for me to realize it..

I've had been thinking to start up a project in my blog which is LOVE LIKE THIS..? .
In this project, i will share with you guys some touching poem ( i think so ) which I wrote it myself. But, some of this poem has a little bit resembles me.

It is not really a poem though.
Well, my love story is a bit painful to me, so sometimes I think to write something related to it so that I can share with other people how much pain he left for me.
Besides that, I also wrote about sad memories I had in mind.
Just to share it with you guys.
The first one has been posted few days ago, and i will keep on posting a new one.
Hope that i will not hearing any critics because I'm not really good in making poems you know.
I only passed my literature subject back when I was in school.

I know that your heart has someone
May i ask
, who is she?
but when i asked, you are always laughing and won't admit it

Sometimes, I really want to ask
because i really want to know if I have some space inside your heart
whether I am the person in your heart

You don't have to admit it and say it out loud
you can just use your eyes and silently confess to me
so that I can make the very first move
to find the reason
to let us becomes lovers than just friend.

Actually, I have wanted to tell you quite a few times
that the taste of my love is so sweet and you can find it nowhere other than me
but, I can still give you my sweetness
eventhough she held your hand and caress you head.
this is just to show, how much I like you

When you look at me smiling,
Looks like the rain has stopped falling
and today seems to have a special warm
at that time
the world suddenly became quiet,
the birds stops chipping,
the winds stops blowing
then, tell me..
how do you describe that moment?
Is it love?
is it just a normal feeling for you?

No need to tell me,
as long as you understand
you know
how much I like you,
it is more than enough.

And one thing for sure,
I have
in LOVE with you.
This one is for real and it is for you...

Let me share ngan korang sume kisah tentang aku mula dari saat kelahiran aku smpai sekarang.

September 1991 (My mum just told me today)

Pukul 9.oo a.m, my mum mula rasa tak kena dgn perut dia. Rasa mcm sakit2 sikit, and my mum dapat agak yg dia akn beranak pada hari itu. So my mum kemaskan beg2 dia dulu (she can still bear with the pain). Then my mum tried to call my father, but still cannot. Memandangkan my dad punya time kerja dah habis, so my mum buat keputusan utk tunggu je la. Bayangkan, sempat lagi my mum masak nasi and cuci selimut dalam tunggu my dad. Dulu hidup kitorang masih susah lagi, washing machine pun tadak, apatah lagi kereta sampai 2 3 buah macam sekarang. Beberapa minit before my dad arrived, my mum's ketuban pun pecah. Kesian my mum, she had to bear the pain. Huhu. Kronik juga kisah kelahiran aku ni. Then, when my dad arrived, she quickly told my dad.

MaMi: Apu!! Nyu ka beranak ku tok.

Padu tek my dad lambat balik bcuz he went and buy BANYAK2 lauk! wah!! is it a coincidence?? Pastu, diorang bergegas ke hospital Low King Howe kalau tak silap aku spelling dier. Skarang ni hospital tu dah ditutup. Tak tau la knapa. Nak dijadikan crta, utk lebih menambahkan kemerinsaan (penderitaan) my mum, JALAN PLAK JAMMED!!! Jauh gak la, nearly 1km dari Hospital tu. Sebab tak tahan, my mum JALAN KAKI pergi hospital tu. Org2 yg kat sekeliling yg tgk pun xda yg nak bantu. Berhati mulia sungguh rakyat Malaysia kan? HAHA! Sampai my mum jalan pun nyu terbongkok2 sbb tahan perut dia. Sampai kat hospital, nurse yg jaga my mum bbrapa hari yg lepas cun2 ada kat situ. ( my mum bbrapa hari sblum tu masuk hospital sbb tekanan darah tinggi )

Nurse: Apu! Nama ga d? Nyu ka beranak d?

Mamy: Auk.

Nurse: K, jampat2 d tama kitu. Begarik apa semua d.

Sambil my mum cuba buka baju, they went and check her la.

Nurse: Apu, nyu dah ka beranak amat2 d tok. Alu tama gai labour room d.

Tak sempat my mum nak tukar baju. waktu tu dalam pukul 10.50a.m la. Then, by 11.++a.m, lahir la seorang bayi perempuan. chiut2.. aku la tuh.. hihhi... My mum said, aku la yg paling tak susah nak dilahirkan. And aku yang paling tak susah utk dijaga. Yang paling tak congek, yang paling tak takut org and yang paling kiut.. keh3.. org xda puji, kita puji diri sendiri la..

Sepanjang aku dalam tempoh nak membesar, aku rasa aku la the apple of everyone's eyes. Yala, yang paling kecil bah. bayangkan, jarak umur aku and abang ku yang paling tua is 10 tahun. and jarak ngan kakak ku adalah 8 tahun. Nak kata aku ni manja, tak jugak la kot. bagi aku la.. tak tau bagi abng n kakak ku. HAHA!!!

Skarang ni aku bsyukur la aku masih ada Daddy, Mummy, Boy, BB, Aki (grandpapa), Ini (Grandmama) n kazen mazen serta aunty uncle yg syg kat aku bnyak sgt. Aku bsyukur gak yg aku dilahirkan bukan sbagai anak yg slalu nak marah2 ibu bapa, besar2kan suara kat diorang (tym kecil dulu xtau la). Tp suruh2 diorang esp my mum ada la.. HIHI!! Kelimpah arinyak, aku pun ada gak kwan2 yang masih sayang kat aku. GBS and POCK. eventhough my GBS skarang ada masalah sikit ngan salah seorng member kitorang. Tp xpe, benda yg dah lepas tu biarla lepas. i already let it go, and now, i just wait for her to talk to me first. Maybe ya agi berdendam ngau aku. Nda pa. Wah! Sempat gak ku mentioned abt that problem.. HHAHAH!!! see you until the next post!!!

KACAK dan berpengaruh, bintang Hong Kong yang banyak merobohkan tembok hati gadis ini ternyata tidak lagi mampu membendung kenakalannya.

Pada saat dia berasa dirinya masih seorang raja, ‘tentera’ alam maya menyerang apabila tahun lalu aksi nakal seorang Edison Koon Hei Chen atau Edison Chen, 28 , menggauli lebih setengah dozen wanita dipertontonkan di seluruh dunia tanpa sedar.

Sebanyak 1,300 keping gambar dan video lucah Edison telah menggemparkan dunia.

Pelakuan seks dengan beberapa wanita termasuk aktres terkenal Gillian Chung, Cecilia Cheung dan Rachel Nga menambahkan lagi predikat lelaki buaya darat bagi aktor yang cukup terkenal dengan lakonan dalam filem hebat seperti Internal Affairs, Initial D dan Trivial Matters ini.

Selepas ribut tersebut melanda, Edison digam, biar telah membuat permohonan maaf secara terbuka, banyak hati yang terguris. Aktres seperti Gillian dan Cecilia memikul malu yang luar biasa sehingga menyepi sebentar daripada dunia hiburan.

Sementara Edison pula terbang ke Amerika Syarikat sebelum bulan lalu dia bagai mendapat nyawa baru dengan muncul di khalayak ramai. Dia juga kembali dengan jenama pakaiannya, CLOT Inc. yang menyaksikan kolaborasi dengan Nike dan Bathing Ape.

EDISON dikerumuni media dan peminat ketika merasmikan butik Juice miliknya di Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.

Setelah diterima baik oleh Hong Kong, Edison meluangkan masa ke Malaysia untuk merasmikan Butik Juice Kuala Lumpur di Jalan Telawi 5, Bangsar. Butik itu adalah miliknya yang diusahakan bersama dua teman dari Hong Kong dan Malaysia.

Di sini, buat pertama kalinya dia bertemu media Malaysia.

Malangnya, Edison enggan bercakap tentang insiden lampau dan menggariskan soalan yang boleh diajukan hanyalah menjurus tentang pembukaan cawangan perdananya itu, yang turut menjual pelbagai jenis jenama termasuk Nike dan Adidas.

Disambut hangat oleh lebih 1,000 peminat setianya yang menanti di luar butik sejak pukul 10.00 pagi, Edison berkongsi cerita selama 20 minit dengan media tentang butik tersebut dan kehidupannya secara ringkas selepas insiden skandal seks itu.

Bagaimana kehidupan anda selepas insiden tersebut? Pernah rasa putus asa selepas apa yang menimpa?

Lepas insiden itu saya pernah rasa putus asa. Tapi saya tak boleh melepaskan kehidupan saya begitu sahaja. Atas sokongan semua orang termasuk teman-teman, saya tak mahu lagi bersedih dan meneruskan kehidupan saya seperti biasa. Bisnes ini adalah salah satu cabang perniagaan saya sekarang.

Kenapa memilih Malaysia untuk membuka Juice Kuala Lumpur?

Kebetulan saya bertemu dengan rakan niaga, Edwin Chong yang mahu berkongsi aspirasi dengan saya menjalankan perniagaan ini.

Saya memilih untuk membuka butik di Malaysia kerana saya percaya stail dan fesyen di sini mempunyai persamaan seperti fesyen di Hong Kong juga Taiwan.

BISNES fesyen kini menjadi cabang kerjaya terbaru Edison.

Fesyen saya lebih kepada street fashion (fesyen jalanan) yang sesuai dengan pasaran Malaysia. Lagipun, di sini ramai masyarakat Cina dan saya percaya butik ini akan sukses.

Selain butik, apa yang anda lakukan sekarang?

Jujurnya sekarang saya lebih selesa bekerja di sebalik tabir. Saya kini mempunyai rumah produksi sendiri dan saya senang untuk berada di belakang pentas mengeluarkan produk-produk dunia hiburan.

waahh, now is already 4.22am, but me still cant sleep. haiyoh, what's wrong wif me? lately I can't go to sleep early as in 12, or 1 am ( i consider that as early ). everytime, it must be around 6 - 9a.m, then i can go to sleep. nah, the results, i will ofcourse wake up very late. just like this morning, i mean yesterday.. i woke up at 5.30p.m!!!! waahhaaaii!!! i just cant believe it!!! haha!! i woke up even later than my brother. HHAH!!! but plis do not label me as a lazy gurl, bcause im not really lazy. keh3.. sometime only baa..

the title?? i don't want to be?? herm, because it is very late already, so sometimes i will become very emotional ley. hihih.. what i don't want to be??

1. I just don't want to be a girl without any success. in MALay, kejayaan la.. cannot find the suitable words. hihih. it is because, in my family, everyone has their own success and everyone earned their own money. I would like to feel the excitement on spending my own money like my money wouldn't finish. huhu. i wanna buy a lot of things, i wanna give my parents some money for them to spend on their personal items (not on paying bills, etc.). So that is why I must be a very successful daughter of my family. eventhough i m the youngest.

erm, i think i will have to continue this post next time. my laptop's battery is going to reach the bottom line. HAHAH!! wah, cannot tell you how much i wish that my english would be very good. wonder why i keep on writing in english eventhough my english is not that good? because we all learn from mistakes right?? if you can catch up any spelling or grammar mistake, please don't hesitate to tell me. it shows that you really care about my english. hahha!!! dui pu chi. wo de ying wen shi pu hao. errkk!! is that correct? my mandarin is not good too. but don't talk bad things about me in mandarin bcause i can catch it upp.. HAHAHA

herm, it has been a long time since i wrote about my own life. haiya, now i am very nervous and tertanya2 ley.. about maktab.. bila la dia unya results mahu kluar?? atleast umumkan la bila dia punya results mahu kluar.. don't make people keep on waiting blindly.. haiya.. dah la laman web mala jak sikdapat masuk..

naa.. i oso want to take this oppurtunity utk ucapkan congratulations utk my friends yg dapat tawaran utk sambung blajar.. let me first staRT with POCK.

Peony: something related with account. HAHA!! di politeknik kuching. congratulation!!!!

Olive (aku la nyak): still waiting for maktab, but terima tawaran dari UiTM tp maybe tak pergi.. huhu

Caroline: DUnno what her course but my kawan said, she will spent 1 year in UiTM Shah Alam and then she will go to IRELANd.. WAHH!! My kawan akan jadi seorang DOcTOr ler.. hihih


KAyrell: pergi Taylor College kat Subang. bunyi mcm Taylor Swift jak.. HAHAHA!!! after 1 year, nti ya mujur she will go to Canada. waaa.. pergi jumpa sama itu Simple Plan ley.. dia ambik course Engineering.

congratlationss!!!! saya akn ttap doakan kejayaan my friends and for my success too.. keh3..

oya, today broke my own record. HAHAH!!!! i woke up at 5.30pm!!!! waaa!!!! hehehe...

both of them looks really cute!!! but i love edison more.. HAHAH!!! for edison's lovers, don't miss out to watch this MV.

He was so cute and good looking!!! waoo!!! I don care what scandal he had now. haha!!! semuanya bcuz he was very handsome!! he had a very cute voice there. hehe

Yo!! HAHA!!! Gawai Was over, but the feeling is still here. Like Gawai wasn't over. My Gawai was really great. Everyone was balik kampung and celebrte it together. Now, still tired so i won't write panjang2. Later, i will upload the photos we snapped time tu keyh? see yahh!!!

Zee Avi

Zee Avi (born Izyan Alirahman, also known as KokoKaina; (born on 1986) is a Malaysian singer-songwriter, guitarist, and ukulele player. She was born in Miri, Sarawak, on the island of Borneo. She moved to Kuala Lumpur when she was 12. She studied fashion design at American InterContinental University in London.

Avi originally posted a video of her first song on YouTube because one of her friends had missed her first performance in Kuala Lumpur, so she created a video on YouTube for him to watch. He convinced Avi to leave the video up, and soon she received positive feedback, which inspired her to put more videos on YouTube. After she was featured on YouTube, she was signed by Brushfire Records, which is partly owned by Jack Johnson. Her song "No Christmas For Me" is featured on Brushfire Records's 2008 Christmas album This Warm December: A Brushfire Holiday. Her single "Bitter Heart" was first to become available on the US iTunes store, and her full self-titled debut album was released on May 19, 2009. On the day of her album's release, YouTube featured her on the front page in Spotlight: Music Tuesday. She is currently touring the United States.

Zee Avi is just 23 but she’s an old soul. A huge talent in a petite frame bringing a universal message from the unlikely birthplace of Borneo, an ancient island east of Malaysia which remains an untouched, natural paradise, an apt description of her songs.

How Avi came to record her debut album in L.A., the first joint release from Ian Montone’s Monotone Label and Jack Johnson’s Brushfire Records, is a true 21st century tale of the way the Internet has transformed the music business and shrunk the globe in the process.

Born in the tiny town of Miri in Sarawak on the island of Borneo, Zee grew up near the South China Sea in a liberal, encouraging household where her father owned an energy consultancy. “I was bred to be a lawyer,” she says, but music was in her blood. Her father’s father sang and played double-bass, accordion, violin and guitar in bands.

At age 12, Zee moved from Borneo to Kuala Lumpur where she has been based since. At 17, Zee started locking herself in a room for hours on end to learn to play guitar. Guitar took a back seat for 4 years while she was studying fashion design in London. When she returned to Kuala Lumpur, she picked the instrument back up and began writing songs and performing with a band.

Zee began recording her songs on a webcam and posting them on YouTube for a friend to hear. “I remember getting so excited when there was one new comment from some random person I didn’t know… One read ‘I’m lost for words - I shall favorite it and ponder if that’s OK,’ ” which was written by Kris Rowley, a U.K. singer-songwriter with a YouTube following under the name Zzzzzzzzap. He began posting her videos on his site, which began a viral snowball effect.

The day before her 22nd birthday, Zee posted what she intended to be “my last video,” a holiday song, “No Christmas for Me.” By the time she checked her e-mail Avi had almost 3,000 messages including a slew of label offers. One email came from Ian Montone, who had been shown the YouTube clip by Raconteurs’ drummer, Patrick Keeler, prompting Montone to get in touch and offer to release her music on the Monotone Label.

Before she knew it Zee was on a plane to L.A. to record her debut with producer Robert Carranza at Brushfire’s Solar Powered Plastic Plant. “No Christmas for Me” was then featured on the holiday charity album, This Warm December, A Brushfire Holiday, Vol. 1.

With an eclectic pool of influences that range from such eccentrics as Cat Power, Regina Spektor, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, Jolie Holland, Daniel Johnston and Chris Garneau, to jazz greats Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald, to classics like Velvet Underground and Led Zeppelin, this self-described “rock lover at heart” captures the dark, bittersweet qualities of romance with a crack left open for hope and optimism.

From the sensuous scat singing on “Honey Bee” to the sultry break-up song, “Is This the End,” recalling the existential longing of Peggy Lee’s “Is That All There Is,” Zee is hopeful of finding love, but equally aware of lurking heartache.

The songs on Zee Avi’s debut are about an outsider’s desire to belong and the tentative hope of moving on, filled with regret and loss, but boasting an impish, worldly wise sensibility.
“I tend to be a loner,” she nods. ” ‘Honey Bee’ is about a romance between two nonconformists who are different from the rest of the hive, and are trying to avoid the pressure to be like everybody else.”

“Just You and Me,” the first song she wrote on ukulele, has a ‘20s New Orleans swing jazz vibe.

“I get my melodic feel from the simplicity of classic jazz, people singing what they felt with straightforward lyrics and not too many harmonies,” Zee says. “Just a lot of honesty. I’m a girl of simple pleasures.

The elemental acoustic guitar of “Story of…” is enhanced with an Eno-like ambience that add to its shimmering quality, while “Poppy” is autobiographical “with a little bit of poetic license” that looks back at the demise of a two-year relationship.

“My stuff is pretty dark,” Zee admits. “Most of my songs are about the reality side of romance, outlets to vent my emotions.”

While her live experience amounts to playing gigs in Kuala Lumpur, Zee appeared this January on From the Basement, the U.K. TV webcast/broadcast that has featured Radiohead’s Thom Yorke, Damien Rice, the White Stripes and the Shins. From the Basement will also air on the U.S.‘s IFC Channel.

From Malaysia to Los Angeles, Zee Avi is enjoying the ride and ready to take on passengers. “I’m still pinching myself” she gushes. “My parents always told me it’s important to keep yourself grounded. I’m thankful, but at the same time, I just want to jump through the roof. It’s been a pretty amazing journey, getting to work with some really wonderful people, a blessing, really.”

Zee Avi’s Monotone/Brushfire Records debut returns that blessing…and then some.

Monotone Records is owned by Ian Montone, whose Monotone, Inc. manages the White Stripes, M.I.A., The Shins, Vampire Weekend, the Raconteurs, Against Me!, Cold War Kids, Crookers, among others.

Brushfire Records is owned by Jack Johnson and his manager Emmett Malloy and is home to artists like Rogue Wave, Matt Costa, Neil Halstead, Money Mark, G. Love, Mason Jennings, ALO and Zach Gill.

Another video from Zee Avi

this girl is zee avi. She is Malaysian. and i am proud of her. HAHA!! favourite song ku tok..

koleksi gambar stacy akademi fantasia

Bagi peminat-peminat Stacy, jom kita layan koleksi gambar-gambar comel(atau perasan comel)si Stacy nie. Sila baca artikel ini sepenuhnya ye.

P.S: Bagus si Stacy nie, tak ada gosip liar. Pakaian pun sopan walaupun dia bukan Islam.

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koleksi gambar stacy akademi fantasia

herrm, now is 7.26a.m. . Most of the school leaver must be still sleeping and dreaming while rolling in their bed but me, I have to stay awake (eventhough i'm sleepy) because, I saw one strange-acting man outside of my house. He didn't park exactly infront of my luar rumah la, but he acted strangely. Sitting there (kat motorcycle) and staring kat rumah2 org2 kat sebelah aku. Then, my brother called me and ask me to kunci gate. maybe he saw him when he kluar rumah tadi.

Then I kunci gate dgn secepat yang boleh. Sambil2 tu, i took a glance to him. errm, pelik gak. That guy seems so familliar to me la. After I masuk balik ke rumah, I curi2 lihat dia dari atas. Ya!! He reminds me of someone!! He reminds me to my EX-bf. Whew, I don't kknow whether it's him or not. But, both of them look nearly the same. The side view, the sitting style, the hair, the helmet. Hanya motorcycle jak lain. But I guess itu hanyalah khayalan aku. ( BUT THE STRANGE GUY DID SIT Infront of my HOUSE)

ahh!! now he's leaving! Thank God. Apa la itu org. duduk dpn rmh org pagi2. Xda rumah ka? Haya.

saya rasa this one might help you a lot. Especially bagi org2 yg tak pernah langsung cuci keybord diorng..

Alatan : 1) Screwdriver kecik/halus (Flat head),
2) 2 kain lembut
3) Air/Sabun cecair/Pembunuh Kuman
4) berus yang boleh menberus

Paling penting..korg hapal la susunan huruf2 kt keyboard tu..ha? susah kan? tangkap je gamba keyboard tu..settle!..

Langkah Pertama : Perlahan2 masukkan screwdriver kt key pastu try cungkil key tu kuar.


This one is noy my keyboard. Mine is black

Keyboard yg bagus buatan nye akan senang dikeluarkan. Keyboard yg cap ayam buatan nye akan susah dikeluarkan. Mgkin juge sekali cungkil abes hancur key tersebut. Oleh itu buatlah selembut sutera untuk mengelakkan dari kemalangan dan pengeluaran duit untuk membeli keyboard baru.

Langkah Kedua : Setelah key2 tersebut keluar dari sarang nye..cucilah plaform keyboard tu dgn berhati-hati bersama2 dgn agen pencuci yg dituangkan ke kain tersebut..ala..mcm iklan lap meja korg pkai ‘dettol’..klu xde pkai je air biase..Lap satu persatu key tersebut dan di akhiri dgn lap dgn kain yg satu lagi. Yg kering tu.Ingin di ingatkan..jgn sesekali lalukan air tersebut di rubber setiap key. Ini untuk mengelakkan dari key korg xdpt di detect.hati2 ya!


Langkah Ketiga : Amek berus kecik/berus warna atau pun kain sekali lagi upacara membersihkan di lakukan mengikut sukati korg. Time ni korg akan dapati rambut atau bulu2 yg tidak sepatutnye berada di keyboard anda.haha!

Langkah Keempat : Dah siap! so korg ley pkai da keyboard. haa..tau pon..pasang balek la key yg korg wak kuar tu..gotcha!! hehe

wow!! I think i must share this thing with you guys. They was known as The Voca People. Listen to it, they was incredible!! Whew!!! Please note this people, and not to forget, ALL THE SOUNDS was from all of them. No INSTRUMENT WAS USED!! WHOWW!!! They was very talented. Listen to their songs.

Thank You so much for those who read my blog. I just want to ask for forgiveness because I may not updating my blog in these few weeks. I will be very busy in my preparation for Gawai DAyak. For your information, Gawai Dayak is a celebration for the Ibans in Sarawak Malaysia. We will be celebrating it in the 1st June. We have to prepare a lots of things. The foods, drinks, our clothes, our home decoration and bla, bla, bla...

hermm, lemme share with you just a few things about Gawai Celebration in Sarawak.

Present Day of Gawai Dayak

The word Gawai means a ritual or festival whereas Dayak is a collective name for the natives races in Sarawak; the Iban, Bidayuh, Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit, Murut and a few more. Thus Gawai Dayak literally means the Dayak Festival.

The mode of celebrations varies from place to place. Preparation starts very early. Tuak (rice wine) are brewed and traditional delicacies like penganan (cakes from rice flour, sugar and coconut milk) prepared. As the big day approaches, everyone will be busy with the general cleaning and preparing the food or cakes. On Gawai eve, glutinous rice are roasted in bamboo (ngelulun pulut). In the longhouse, new mats will be laid out on the ruai (an open gallery which runs through the entire length of the longhouse). The walls of most bilik (rooms) and the ruai are decorated with pua kumbu (traditional blanket).

The celebration starts on the evening of 31st May. In most Iban's longhouse, it starts with a ceremony called Muai Antu Rua (to cast away the spirit of greediness), signifying the non interference of the spirit of bad luck in the celebration. Two children or men each dragging a chapan or winnowing basket will pass each family room. Every family will throw some unwanted article into the basket. The unwanted articles will be tossed to the ground from the end of the longhouse for the spirit of bad luck.

Around 6 pm, miring (offering ceremony) will take place. Before the ceremony, gendang rayah (ritual music) is performed. The feast chief thanks the gods for the good harvest, ask for guidance, blessings and long life as he sacrifices a cockerel. Dinner will then be served at the ruai. While waiting for midnight, the folks gather and mingle at the ruai and berandau (talk/converse). Meanwhile, drinks, traditional cakes and delicacies are served.

At midnight, the gong is sounded. The tuai rumah will lead everyone to drink the Ai Pengayu (normally tuak for long life) and at the same time wishing each other "gayu-guru, gerai-nyamai" (long life, health and prosperity). A procession up and down the ruai called Ngalu Petara (Welcoming the Spirits) will follow. The celebration by now will get more merrier. Some will dance to the traditional music played. Others will sing the pantun (poems). In the town, the Dayak will gather at the community centres or restaurants for a enliven the evening.

Other activities that may follow the next day include cock-fighting ( now WE cannot do thins thing anymore. It was illegal ), demonstration of blowpipe skills and ngajat competitions. On this day, 1st June, the homes of the Dayaks will be opened to visitors. In the longhouses, there is a practises called masu pengabang where all guests will be served with tuak by the host before they can enter the longhouse. Dayaks will attend a church mass to thanks God for the good harvest. Gawai Dayak celebration may last for several days. Visitors are most welcome to the homes of the Dayaks during the festival.

Hmm, last time the celebration used to be like this in my mum's village. But, the tradition is slowly being forgotten by people. Now, we just celebrate in an ordinary celebration. They were just enjoying themselves and no one cares to celebrate it the ways the elders usually does. Luckily, I had once experienced it. It was FUN!!!!!HUH!! Hopefully, this year Gawai will be very fun and unforgettable one. HAHA! My English was TERRIBLE!!!

Jako Lalau ngagai semua bala kehak, Lydia, Kayrell, Angela, Caroline, And Bla, bla, bla:

uit!! Lalu ngagai kmpung ku 2hb June tok keyh?? Bc another gawai ba kmpg ku. Gawai Antu a.k.a nyungkup. HAHA!!! Mesti datai k??? 3HB or 4HB kitai plak serbu rumah panjai Lydia. Oya, my kmpg is Rh Radin, Sg Menyan Sibu. Enti kita tesat, jerit jak nma ku, aku akan muncul secepat kilat. HAHAH!!!

yuupp2... I think I like this song too.. HAHA!! well, thumbs up to Indiee!!!!

huh, I suddenly remembered about my dreams to play drums. HAHA!!! I still can't hit the drums!!! OH!! Silly me.. HAHA!! I only know how to play 'Wake Me Up When Spetember ENd - GreenDay'.. It's a simple one.. hehe

ohh!! This is my favourite song. I started to like Jay CHou from this song. hehe. Both of them was my favourite singer and yet, they are singing together!!! wuhhuu!!! well, it has been translated for you. Join me singing the chorus part! HAHA!!! because, everytime you watched this video, i'll be singing with you guys.. errmm.. a bit scary huh? HAHA!! Oh ya! You'll see Chow Yun Fatt in this music video. Opss.. Little baby Chow YUn Fatt yeah.. HAHA!! He looks very young in here ( I've told you.. YOUNG ). And oh, Jacky Cheung sang some part of this song too. HAHA!! This song is loveable...

p/s: Listen to your mum people!!!! We only have ONE mum who gave us birth!!! YOubroke her heart everytime you raised your voice or not listening to her. Ma, I Love You Ma!!!

ANother song from Jay Chou. The title seems to be a little bit *********** me but the song was great. It was ROCK!!!

<This is the english translation for this song.. I cut some part of it.. HAHA!!>

The slightly cool morning dew
Moistens the black ceremonial robe
There is mist on the stone slab road
Father is whispering
Feeling uselessly becoming aware
Can only be even crueller
Everything done for
Way through to the road of sanctuary
Mist that cannot be blown about
Does it hide intent?
Who walks soft and lightly?
Still too late to cry
The bullet that passes through
Then takes away
The temperature

Every one of us has guilt
Committing different sins
I can decide who is right
And who should go into deep sleep
Arguing cannot resolve it
On an endless night
Close your mouth
The only grace
The people blocking in front also have guilt
Regretful, no way to retreat
Sentence in the name of the father
That feeling does not have a suitable vocabulary
Just like smiling while crying
Gazing into the complete darkness
Stop the tragedy; the spreading tragedy will let me get intoxicated

Bow your head to kiss my left hand
Exchange for the promise of being forgiven
The organ with old tubes is in the corner
All along accompanying the soloist
The wind blowing moves the black curtain; sunlight penetrates without a word
Shining towards that group of beasts that were tamed by me
Silently shouting
Silently shouting
Loneliness starts to ferment
Incessantly jeering at me
Memories gradually burn
The once pure frame
The ruthless tenderness appears
The time of being weak has come
We pray together

Merciful father, I have already fallen into
The kingdom where guilt cannot be seen
Please forgive my conceitedness
(Please forgive me
My conceitedness
Engraved with loneliness together)
No one is able to say, no one can say
Very hard to bear
Behind the glory is engraved with loneliness together
Closing my eyes, I once again see
That dream's frame in those days
The sky is drizzly mist
Father holding my hands
Lightly passes by
Early morning, that quiet stone slab road

(RAP: Mottled family emblem
Clean it for a night
The lonely radiance
Only then do I understand the feeling
The owl is on
The window
Looking far away towards the distance
The long corridor of the hall
The same
The convulsions of nature that cannot be said out
No clamour
Only tranquillity revolves around
Slowly fall asleep
The sky
Daybreak just a moment ago)

(This is NOT a poem)
here it comes again..
which i don't really like..
i'm home alone, waiting to ba accompanied..

i have to cook,
i have to do the housework..
i'm not complaining,
but i'm tired of it!

I can't believe it,
my mum can stand those pain and tiredness,
just to make sure we get enough food and live in a clean and comfortable house..
maybe I just don't understand..
wait till I become like her..
having my own house,
having my own kids,
managing my own house..
who knows..

The loneliness..
I can't bear with it anymore!
I'm alone..
I'm left alone..
No one to talk to..
I was like a palm tree grows in a jungle..
eventhough many other trees besides me,
but I still alone..
there is no other tree like me..
we're from different species..
same goes with me..
there are many people in this house,
but i'm still alone..
No one needs me..
No one will look for me if I run away..
No one will ever care to look after me if i'm sick..


no one will love my family and friends especially POCK as much as me...

will you feel the loneliness I felt if I'm gone?
can you tell me how much you miss me, if I'm gone?
will you look for me, if I was missing??
will you cook for me if i'm hungry??
will you cool me down if i'm angry???

answer me...

you're not even looked at me...
you're not even wanna c my face..

what have i done to you??

WHAT I'VE DONEE ( Lagu Linkin Park )

Happy Mother's Day TeyMeow!

hmm.. this year our Mother's Day kitorang sambut ala kadar je.. hihi.. this is how it goes..

first, Mummy bawa me and BB to Sing Kwong lama.. ambik hp yg direpair sminggu yang lalu... Then, kitorang pergi beli nombor.. huhuh.. my abg punyer okk... then, sementara tunggu mummy buy the ticket, I snapped bbrapa gmbar diri ku ini...

First pic...

sorry yer.. this is my sister.. dia ni pemalu cket.. khakhaka

My 2nd pic of the day.. HAHA!!!

She still refuses to take gud pic with me!!

Last2.. aku ambik gambar sendiri lagi..

Then, my mum arrived.. then, ku suruh jak mumy ambik gmbar ngan aku..


Me: Oh! Tu kalu mangah gambar d..

MuM: EE!! Nda manah gambar tu.. buai tu.. peda mat ku bc double chin..

Me: Auk.. Gambar ku nda manah meh..

MuM: HA! Tu bahu manah...

I still pujuk her to ambik gambar...

Then, we headed to central market.. on our way...

mcm biasa... hihi

carlsberg?? errmm.. baru ku perasan, kat Sibu ni bnyak ek pub2...

can you see the green building?? It's the highest building in SIbu!

swaylin?? Do you know her?? The Iban surely know!!

Pintu gerbang sibu lar..

Then, kitorang balik rumah la.. Balik kat rumah, kitorang start ngan BBQ kitorang... but 1st, tgk dulu gmbar2 yg sempat aku snap otw balik rumah..

Chakk!! HAHA!!

Lastly..Mum, u r my only one!! HaPPy MoTHer's Day!!!! I LOVE YOU MUMMYYY!!!!!!

Im yours AKIM!! HAHA!!! juzz kidding.. Aishah marah nanti.. hihi.. i think i started to like him.. kakaka.. I love those guy yang pakai rambut mcm tu.. ehhm.. kalau letak anting2 kat sblah tu mesti menarikk...

im sure you can fly high!! yeaaahh!!!

hafizz.... kalau awak btul2 dapat fly high, kite nak ekot ek? kekeke...

( Source: Blog Gambar-gambar menarik )

image image

KUALA LUMPUR : Nampaknya sudah terang lagi bersuluh hubungan aktres dengan bekas suami pelakon comel sememangnya wujud. Kalau Cik Normah tak sebut pun mesti anda semua dapat agak kan? Buat apa nak nafikan lagi kalau memang sah kamu berdua memang menjalinkan cinta dan khabarnya akan menamatkan zaman bujang solo.


Kadang2 Cik Normah kasihan melihat nasib aktres ini yang semakin kurang publisiti tetapi adakalanya naik geram juga apabila dia tidak pernah serik dengan sikapnya. Ingat nak insaf lagi menjadi-jadi adalah! Nampaknya apa yang terjadi kepada dirinya tidak langsung memberi keinsafan,malah sikap plastiknya tetap terserlah. Cik Normah yakin ramai sudah mula naik meluat dengannya. Satu sumber memberitahu Cik Normah, aktres ini sudah mula menetap disebuah kediaman milik kekasihnya ini. Ia sebagai bukti untuk mengumumkan perhubungan mereka berdua memang bukan lagi rahsia.


Memang tidak rahsia lagi pun sebab semua orang dah tahu perhubungan plastik dia orang tu. Buat aktres itu cik normah kurang pasti apa akan jadi pada masa depannya didalam bidang lakonan, renungkanlah seketika kehidupan ini dengan bermuhasabah diri. Kecantikkan yang ada hanya bersifat sementara dan kalau hati sudah hitam, cantik sekalipun orang sudah tidak hairan. Ingat hari ini mungkin hari ko pashamon, esok lusa kalau tuhan nak tunjuk dengan 'bayaran tunai' akan terima padahnya sebab ko suka rampas laki orang! Hidup ini ibarat putaran roda, sekejap diatas sekejap lagi ngam pasti kat bawah terus!....

My Review: Aku ni dulu mmg minat giler ngan Fasha Sandha.. tak tau la pulak dia ni mmg banyak ragam... Dah la pakaian mmg seksi giler.. Aku pun tak pernah pakai lagi baju2 mcm tu akak ooii.... bertaubat2 lah yer...

OWH!!!!! This morning, I accompany my GrandMAMA to the hospital utk ambik darah.. I woke up at 6.45 a.m... Then, we went to the hospital. Sampai kat hospital, banyak org mmg dah menunggu.. Then i ambik number.. Number 50.. fuyoo!! By the time, baru jak number 16.. We have to wait for 20 minutes like that la... Then, when it is our turn, i masuk and bring my grandmama masuk.. I aturkan kerusi for her and the "pengambik darah" ready herself... She tancang my grandmama punya tangan.. and she sapu2 kan the cold2 liquid to my grandmama's lengan.. Me standing at behind esen2 not afraid of it... and I sempat laugh to young chinese girl who stands besides me ( she is accompanying her mum i guess ) with her hand lingering at her neck.. HAHA!!! takut la nya...

Then, when the "pengambik darah girl" who is serving my grandmama is ready with her needle, I watched carefully and not moving my eyes from the needle.. ( ka meda keni urg ngambik darah la konon nya tek... ) AND!!! WHEN THE NEEDLE IS MULA MENCUCUK AND MEMASUKI KAT MY GRANDMAMA'S LENGAN, I HAD GOOSEBUMP!!! My whole body suddenly becomes weak and i nearly tersungkur.. nasib I sempat grab my grandmama's punya kerusi..

P.D.G: APU!!! LAPA GA D??!!!

Me: Hah.. Ndai nama2.. lemi tulang...

P.D.G: Takut d pia?

Me: HA?? Ndai lah... Nda patut ku takut... ( huhu )

P.D.G: Manah meh nyak.. Enti d madah d takut tadi, ka tucuk ku d..

* I just smiled and quickly bawa my grandmama's out of that room... (takut ngai ke indu nyak amat2 ka nucuk ku..

I don't believe it!!! I AM SCARED OF NEEDLE????? NOOO!!!!! back in my home, I always watched CSI, Midsomer murder ( kadang2 jak ) ... Then I quickly ask my mum...

Me: Mi, urg medical check up bc ngambi darah ka??

Mum: Lapa d nanya deh? Nadai selalu ya.. urg semina nguji ai kemi d...

Me: AMAT D?? huh... nasibb....

Mum: Takut d pia? Legi ku ngasuh urg nucuk d ga maya d medical checkup ila...

Me: Nda mai d ku ila...

*she just laughed.. ( I hope she main2 jak ngau apa dipadah ya tadik! )

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