Good Morning!!

herrm, now is 7.26a.m. . Most of the school leaver must be still sleeping and dreaming while rolling in their bed but me, I have to stay awake (eventhough i'm sleepy) because, I saw one strange-acting man outside of my house. He didn't park exactly infront of my luar rumah la, but he acted strangely. Sitting there (kat motorcycle) and staring kat rumah2 org2 kat sebelah aku. Then, my brother called me and ask me to kunci gate. maybe he saw him when he kluar rumah tadi.

Then I kunci gate dgn secepat yang boleh. Sambil2 tu, i took a glance to him. errm, pelik gak. That guy seems so familliar to me la. After I masuk balik ke rumah, I curi2 lihat dia dari atas. Ya!! He reminds me of someone!! He reminds me to my EX-bf. Whew, I don't kknow whether it's him or not. But, both of them look nearly the same. The side view, the sitting style, the hair, the helmet. Hanya motorcycle jak lain. But I guess itu hanyalah khayalan aku. ( BUT THE STRANGE GUY DID SIT Infront of my HOUSE)

ahh!! now he's leaving! Thank God. Apa la itu org. duduk dpn rmh org pagi2. Xda rumah ka? Haya.


  1. Bengbeng said...
    Ade banyak rumah tetapi dia pilih untuk kat rumah dik. nama itu 'jodoh'? ;)
    miszolive said...
    HAHA!! ya la.. bnyak lagi rumah org yg cntik2, tp, dpn rmh aku juga dia nak duduk.. jodoh? Whew.. I don't want to be with guy who sits infront of other people house pagi2.. it's scary ba.. HAHA

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