Halu2!! Hihi. As usual I will share with you what happened to me today. Arggh!! Nothing special actually. Hihi

My day started as usual at 6.15 a.m. I woke up then I go downstairs. I poured some air mati then minum. Konon2 want to ikut healthy lifestyle lah tek. I am supposed to drink atleast 500ml of water directly after i woke up but i managed to drink 1/4 only. Cannot tahan la consume too much water. HAHA!! Then I masak mee Sedap for my brother, coffee and his bekal. Then i have to masak ikan for my cats. Rauh2 them minta food. I finished my cooking around 6.45a.m then i woke my brother up. Since my brother tidur downstairs, I terus ambik keputusan watching Diari Akademi Fantasia. Aiyo. What happened ek? Cannot remember lar. Hihi.

Then I tidur balik until 9a.m. I started my routine la, menunga my punya pc. Nearly 11a.m, my Agnes Monica melalak lagi. Angela texted me.

"Eh, saya otw pergi rumah kamu ni"

Then I replied,

"Ok2. Masuk jak nanti. Saya tengah mandi ni."

HAHA!! Then, after she texted me, I immediately pergi mandi. I took my sweet time for aprox 30minutes mandi. When she arrived, i still mandi so she buat my house as her own house la. Then, we both went to Sing Kwong beli some lauk. Lepas tu, apa lagi, makan la.

Dalam pukul 5.30p.m macam tu, Angela came to our house lagi. We want to pegi jogging. HAHA!! Amalan hidup sihat bah. :P Dalam kul 7p.m baru la we arrived kat rumah I. Lpas tu Angela balik. Oh ya, dalam masa we jogging, adalah 2 guys. Not old, and not very young folks. Around 30 or 40 something. They saw Angela using tancut short2 one and they start to "Shyit2" at us. Aiyo. Sh*t old people. Already nearly old ( Apa punya bahasa daa ) but still playing around with white chick ( Angela ) . HAHA!! Then, sambil2 we slow jog, sambil2 we gossip2. Kikiki. Angela told me about her mimpi and her workmate. Aiyo, her workmate very the show off la. Want to ber-gaga2 also want to tell people. Tak malu ke? Aduhh. Isak tek sigat. HAHA!! Then we sempat2 kenang2 our past. Syukur la both of us is not very bergantung with our parents compared to her younger siblings. Even, our parents no need to madah or ngasuh we go to study (revision). Our efforts is paid off la. HAHA!!

After makan, I watched TV. Crita kat Astro Prima. Entah apa tajuk dia. Something related with jin, makhluk halus, org kena rasuk and adegan org nak kluar kan benda tu. I cannot watched benda2 macam tu. This situation we called BUYAN. HAHA!! Then, at 9.oop.m sharp, i tengok diar AF. 1 thing that makes me curious. What happened to Claudia and her husband? There is something fishy la between both of them. We never saw her excitedly talking about her husband. Even, last concert when they bought her son, she looked like isin-isin happy (pandangan ku jak). No offence to her peminat because I minat her too bah. Then about Yazid. Dia tu playful gila ah. Aduh. Tension sangat agak nya. Selalu sangat komplen pasal suara dia sumbang. YOur hair is TOO heavy i think. Why don't they cut his hair like what they did to Akim?? Qhaud is very pity because his song was way too heavy for him. i think la. Amboi, nyu ngaga review pasal AF pula. HAHA!!

At 11.oop.m, I took my bath then I'm doing what i'm doing now. OMG!! Agnes Monica melalak lagi!! Oh, Kayrell rupanya.

"Boring mat ku eh. Pa polah ko la?"

aku replied,

"Aku tgh nulis apa nak dipolah ku artok ba dalam blog"

She answered,

"I'm so bored. Oya, c new post ku. Hehe"

I asked,

'Ya ka? Bila d send?"

She answered me, (by this time, she terus online YM)

"Mpai sejam tadi. Eh, ma blog d xulh buka. X faun ko ya"
(She terus hantar instant msg thru YM, then I replied thru YM la.)

"OH!! Lupa ka madah, ku dah tukar URL tadi"

Then, before she start to ask me more, better i end this up. Kalau tak, until tomorrow tak siap lagi. HAHA!!

Goodnyte folks!!! Thanks for reading!! Anyway, leave your comments yah!!


  1. Karel said...
    laa, c gak aku.. mm, tai ka tnya ku dah ku tnya ba ym ri nyk.. hihi.. lwa bjalai x mai ku xp
    miszolive said...
    HAHAH!! keni ka mai d bjalai. pendiau d jauh gile! sapa ngasuh d sms ku tme ku benung nulis tok

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