I don't want to be...
Posted by miszolive at Sunday, June 21, 2009 Labels: It's About ME, Ragam seharian kuwaahh, now is already 4.22am, but me still cant sleep. haiyoh, what's wrong wif me? lately I can't go to sleep early as in 12, or 1 am ( i consider that as early ). everytime, it must be around 6 - 9a.m, then i can go to sleep. nah, the results, i will ofcourse wake up very late. just like this morning, i mean yesterday.. i woke up at 5.30p.m!!!! waahhaaaii!!! i just cant believe it!!! haha!! i woke up even later than my brother. HHAH!!! but plis do not label me as a lazy gurl, bcause im not really lazy. keh3.. sometime only baa..
the title?? i don't want to be?? herm, because it is very late already, so sometimes i will become very emotional ley. hihih.. what i don't want to be??
1. I just don't want to be a girl without any success. in MALay, kejayaan la.. cannot find the suitable words. hihih. it is because, in my family, everyone has their own success and everyone earned their own money. I would like to feel the excitement on spending my own money like my money wouldn't finish. huhu. i wanna buy a lot of things, i wanna give my parents some money for them to spend on their personal items (not on paying bills, etc.). So that is why I must be a very successful daughter of my family. eventhough i m the youngest.
erm, i think i will have to continue this post next time. my laptop's battery is going to reach the bottom line. HAHAH!! wah, cannot tell you how much i wish that my english would be very good. wonder why i keep on writing in english eventhough my english is not that good? because we all learn from mistakes right?? if you can catch up any spelling or grammar mistake, please don't hesitate to tell me. it shows that you really care about my english. hahha!!! dui pu chi. wo de ying wen shi pu hao. errkk!! is that correct? my mandarin is not good too. but don't talk bad things about me in mandarin bcause i can catch it upp.. HAHAHA
- Anonymous said...
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February 8, 2010 at 8:59 AMBrim over I to but I about the collection should prepare more info then it has.