wow.. banyak benda blaku hari ni.. haha!! today, i woke up at 6.00a.m. Mesti la, i'm having my KPLSPM interview today. whew, i am very nervous. I took my bath and got myself prepared. Bukan apa gak ku neves, aku belum well prepared gik. The interview thingy I haven't finished reading it, the current issue I'm not very sure how to elaborate it well. Kikiki.

Back to the story, I arrived at Sk. Abg Ali (PPG Sibu kat sia bah) by 7.20a.m. then I masuk and sign banyak2 benda then waiting for the INSAK test. While waiting for the INSAK test, kitorang disuruh duduk and tunggu la.While waiting, I looked around the place and HAHA!! I jumpa satu banner pasal PPG Sibu yang ada muka uncle I. Mungkin time gambar tu diambik, diorang tengah meeting kot. ANd my uncle's face tunjuk macam yg dia tgh boring. HIHI!! Sempat juak ku tetak nanga gmbar ya. Ni ndak org nok nunggu sia heran jwak nnga ku. Huh! boleh gik ku relek2 sik prepare. haiya.. Sangat berani...

First, we buat our INSAK test. We were given 30Minutes and I think I only use 15minutes. HAHA!! But the place is very cold!! I can see my interview fren is shaking. HAHA!! me too. My hand jadi pucat sbb sejuk sangat.

After the test, kitorang start with our group interview. Sebenarnya, my group ada 7 orang, but 1 person didn't turn up, so, hanya 6 orng saja. Our group interview topics is about

  1. Described your co curricular activities in school
  2. How the co curricular activities benefits you.
I've planned my answers very well, but when it is my turn, I cannot answer well. Tersekat2 ada la! Haiya! I am very disappointed with myself. Then, lepas habis group interview, we have to wait for individual interview. I am the last person and saya sangat stress menunggu!! HAHA! Everytime when org lain dah kluar dari bilik interview, we will ask them, eii!! HOw??? what language do they ask you? what question?? Where do you sit and so on. HAHA!! (Luckily I am the last person).

And, now, it is my turn.

I Entered the room very confidently & smile (not even thinking about i'm not prepared yet.) Then they asked me to sit and I said, THank YOu. Here is the conversation:

*The interview is fully conducted in English

P1: Where do you live?

Me: Err.. (shocked with the question) I live here somewhere in Sibu.. ( HIHI )

P1: Ya la. This room is also in Sibu. Which part in Sibu?

Me: Errmm.. Salim area..

P1: Northern Salim? Southern Salim?

Me: Errmm... They didn't mention about the Northern or Southern.. ( With my blurry face )

P1: HAHA!! Ok.. Then, how to get to your house from here?

Me: Hihi.. Actually I am not very familiar with this place (KG. Nangka Area)too..

P1: HAH?? You lived in Sibu for so many years and you are not familiar with this place??

Me: Ya la.. i have nothing to do here, then why should i go here?

*Both of them laughed very hard*

P1: Then, what place do you familiar with?

Me: errm.. town area.. I always went to Parkson, and.... ( I have no idea..)

P2: Parkson? What is the name of that building??

Me: OWh!! Wisma Sanyan.. HIHI

P1: What is very special about Wisma Sanyan?

Me: Hah.. I don't know.. i went there to shopping and eating.. HAHA! And it is the tallest building in Sibu..

*They smiled*

P2: Is there any restaurant ?

Me: Yes.. There is a lot of them..

P1: where do you usually eat?

Me: Ermm.. in MANNA Cafe. ( sebenarnya aku lupa nama restaurant ya.. Cafe or Restaurant?? )

P2: Manah Cafe?? Oo.. Good Cafe.. ( They Can't hear my voice, I think )

Me: Good cafe? owh.. is it? ( I tot Manna in whatever language is Good)

P1: Ya la.. Manah is good..

P2: Eh, i think you are Iban. Because in Iban, manah is good..

Me: Haa? I am Iban.. OwHHH!!! I just get it.. No.. It's not manaHHH.. It's MannAA.. Not H, but A..

*Lekik2 sduai ya ktawa.. jegak udu*

P1: HAHA!! we tot Manah..

Me: hehe.. no.. it's not.. you should go and try the food..

P2: hihi.. Ok2..

P2: (with a serious face) So, i think you must have prepared very well after you knew that you are chosen for this interview..

Me: err.. ( I didn't answer them )

P2: So, you must have your own expected questions from us right?

Me: ( OMG!! I'm not ready!! ) HAHA! Yes. I think you will ask me about the current issue.

P1: Current issue?

Me: Yes.. About the Virus influenza A H1N1..

P2: Owh, ok.. please elaborate..

Me: ( Then I explain la.. Nasib I asked my father yesterday night )

P2: owh.. ok.. ( Angguk2 kepala ) How about education issue??

Me: About PPSMI??

P1: YA!!! (terkejut ku time tok ya tttba menyampuk) i want to hear you opinion since this has been an issue lately..

ME: ( I explain my opinion.. )

P1: Yah.. thats true..

P2: Okay.. now, I want to know, why you choose to be a teacher? Don't you know that sometimes we send our teachers to rural area and you will face some difficulties such as no electricity, no road connection and bla3?? You don't care?

Me: No, I don't care.. Thus, this was my ambition since small. i like to share my knowledge with other people especially kids. I hope that one day, i can help these kids to be a person with capability and is able to do the best for the country. I don't care if my appointed school has no electricity or road connection as long as I don't have to swim to my school because i don't know how to swim..

*They laughed again..*

P2: Good answers.. Imagine if you are a teacher right now. and you have to teach your primary 1 students a spelling tests. List me 4 words with 4 letters..

Me: Hermm.. Love, Care..

P1: Love? Why you choose LOVE??

Me: Hah? Err.. because I want my students to know that I choose to teach them because I love them ??

P2: ok.. ( angguk2 lagi and write something kat kertas ) then the other words?

Me: Care, Read, Bath.. ( looked around sbb takda idea lagi..) and head??

P2: ( he smiled) Imagined if i am your primary 1 student.. and I have no idea what Head is.. how are you going to explain to me?

Me: ( Aiyo.. How am i supposed to know?? Then I tembak jerk..) ERR.. student, this thing is a part of you body.. your eyes located there, your mouth located there too.. and your hair grows there... You think with it.. It started with a letter H.. Do you have any idea student??

*both of them looked at each other sambil angguk2 and smile*

P1: Ok.. thank you.. I get it.. HAHA!! (then he write something..) Hmm.. I'm sure you will be a very good teacher someday..

Me: HAHA!! thank you.. I Also hope that I will be given a chance to pursue my dream..

*They didn't answer but they smile to me*

Me: Am I DOne??

P1: HAHA!! yes. Here, take your original certificate copy and sign here...

I signed and went back home...

TO be continued.......


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