yeay!!! 26 April
8 comments Posted by miszolive at Sunday, April 26, 2009 Labels: It's About ME, Ragam seharian kuhah!! At last!! it is now time for me to update my blog. kikiki.. curi tulang ku sebenarnya.. org lain packing, tapi aku writing something dalam blog plak..
oya.. last night i said that my phone was missing but thanks to God, my phone was actually left out kat kampung aku. HAHA!! risau ku pok phone ku hilang. Banyak memori melampau ku ngena phone nyak.. Nasib mai hp ku nda nyau. Malang nya, maya aku ba kmpng, batery hp aku plak flat. Pulai ku tadi, APU!!! myuh2 msg datai.. HAHA!! (chewah, rasa cam popular lah tek)
Esok, I will go to Bintulu untuk menghirup udara yang tak segar sangat. Release tension lok bah. And oh, Kayrell pegila interview maktab. WAKAKAK!! GUD LUCK FREN!!
Petang tadi meda GIG ba Sing Kwong baru. Boleh tahan la. Banyak bakat yang ada tapi yang aku kechiwa sangat, sound vocal dia tak dengar sngat. Aku minat satu lagi kumpulan kalau tak silap nma kumpulan tu RADIOHOLIC. HAHAH!!! diam2 jak la.. Cute2 gak owh.. HAHA!! :P
n, ok la.. my post for today will end here. And ya, kesian kat Aril kan? hmm... Takpe.. KEEP On Afundi HAFIZ!!!
my unlucky day..
2 comments Posted by miszolive at Saturday, April 25, 2009 Labels: It's About ME, Ragam seharian kugerek ku ilang!!! waa!! missing in space!! what shud i do??!!!
no more,
- singing voice,
- gentle voice from you
- light that you shine for me when im in darkness..
huaa.... camney ku mok nyarik u? camney ku mok kol mamy ku lak? camney ku mok msg gik klak?? huuaaaa......
camney ku mok kol kwn2 ku lak???
25 April
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Saturday, April 25, 2009 Labels: It's About ME, Ragam seharian kuyay!! HAHA!! After 3 days i didn't post anything, today i got the chance to write something. HIHI.
Yesterday, i went to the cinema with Kayrell n my sister to watch movie. The Sniper la apa lagi. Wow!! I like it!! especially Edison Chen la. HAHAH!!! Tapi ya kuar mmimit jak la. Padahal, last2 ya yang lead bh. HEHE. Nama Edison Chen ba diak is OJ, Richie Ren plak Hartman and the other guy is Lincoln. WOW!!! Sigat2 sida 3. HAHA!! Macho, body pun nmpak tough. I like it when the 3 of them just wearing singlet and sluar askar ya. kacak eyhh! HAHA!! Lincoln hair was inda messy but he still look very charming. KALAU AKU DIBERI PELUANG SEKALI LAGI UNTUK MENEMBAK, AKU AKAN GUNAKAN TAKTIK DIORANG!!! HAHAHAHA! Hold your breath for a fast shot or control your breath for a slow but pasti kena punya! HAHA!! i like the end part where the 3 of them lari bersama! Wearing black singlet!! OUCH!!!! Sigat udu2! HAAH!!!
Then i teringat laki cko yang kerja ba cinema nyak. Ngegeh udu2. Ka mai french fries pun nda ulih. Haiya! Ukai bc urg pun maya nyak. Ukai kami muai sengapa pun. Last2 utk membendung kefrust-san, kitorang bgambar kat panggung wayang. HAHA!!! Legi ku minta ba krel gmbar2 nyak. KAKAKAA!!!!
Haiyoh.. Later i need to dye balik my hair to black. HAHA!!! kena interview pok, ni ulih ngna buk kaler2? Ila dah ku diinterview, warna merah, pin, n cokelat buk ku kaler ku. HAHA!!!
and ya, lastly, AFUNDI HAFIZZ!!!!
22nd April
2 comments Posted by miszolive at Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Labels: AF7, Akademi Fantasia, It's About ME, Malaysiawow!! today was a very exciting, tiring and messaging day. Haya! I received a lot of sms today. i need to delete it for 4 times today! Walao!! because of the maktab results and one wierd guy. Haiya. Dunno where that guy got my new number. Don't tell me that i need to change my number lagi. Me oso tired ey tukar number. HAHA!!
my day today was not very diffrnt from d other day. The diffrnce is, my parents is here. Hihi. as usual la, if my parents here, i will start jadi lazy lagi. HAHA!! i woke up at 11.30 this morning! waseh!! indu dara ngapa. HAHA!! lelak ku, malam tadi beribun ke anak mayau. HAHA!! alasan jak pok! Bangun2 jak, i saw 1 message from Krel.
then, my day continued lagi dgn melayan msg2 org n tolong org check results diorang. syok gak buat benda ni. hihi!! (kalau aku minta upah, mmg aku dapat kumpul duit pakai aku beli 2 keping tiket wayang.)
5p.m, i went to bukit 5 and jogging. but hari ni just 3 pusingan jak dapat cuz client Angela yg datang tiap2 bulan tu datang hari ni. Entah sampai bila client dia tu kat sini. esok lusa, balik la client dia tu. Then, kitorang main kat batu2 tu. mak ai!! tajam pock!! HAHHA!!!
Malam plak, time tengah cuci pinggan, Mariah Carey plak melalak2 ( msg alert dah tukar.. HAHA!! ) ceh! Krel rupanya. ajak tengok wayang. i Agreed la because THE SNIPER kluar kat cinema already. Then, krel ajak lagi main bowling. Wah!! Melampau! HAHA!! Aku agree jak. Cuma kna tanya si driver la. Oh ya! teringat pasal driving..
Then, my msg went blah3.. malas n malu la nak crta. HAHA!!
Oh ya, tadi, i tengok diari Af. hmm.. rasa cam marah ckit adala. pasal apa lagi? Hafiz la. He was kept under high pressure. If me, i killed myself already. Kebanyakkn kita fikir yg Hafiz ni kuat n bla3, tapi, kalau kita tgk kat diari tadi, yg part ending tu, kita dapat tahu yg Hafiz ni ada limit kesabarn dia. Kesian dia. We knew it that he has problem in memorizing the lyrics, so, jgn la push dia sangat. He know what he has to do bah. Hadoihh! Just jangan push dia macam tu. MMg akan gila la dia. Btul ba apa dia cakap. Ingat Hafiz tu robot ke? Bagi je, scan and trus masuk dalam otak pia? Haiya! Be more considerate! It is YOU who gave him the blah3 song, so, why don't you be with him side by side dalam difficulties macam ni? haiya! Mmg Hafiz tu anak mak, dia tak harapkan yg korang tu layan dia mcm mak dia layan, cuma, korang boleh tak layan dia macam korang lyn budak2 af lain? WTBD????!
Malas nak crta lebih2.. tanya diri sendiri.. kalau betul apa aku kata, afundi la c Hafiz tu lebih ckit.. kalau salah apa aku kata, korang pun mesti gak undi Hafiz.. this is my first year join org afundi2.. HAHA!!
HAFIZZ!!! AFUNDI aku tetap kau yang punya...
Pengetua AF7 ada hak melindungi pelajar dari menjadi 'bahan eksperimen'
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Labels: AF7, Akademi Fantasia, MalaysiaSEJAUHMANAKAH kuasa yang diperuntukkan kepada Pengetua AF? Persoalan ini kerap diajukan oleh peminat program realiti TV paling popular Akademi Fantasia musim ke-7 ini apabila saban minggu graf persembahan pelajar tidak menentu.
Benarkah pengetua atau prinsipal Akademi Fantasia tidak mempunyai hak sama sekali untuk menentukan lagu pilihan, wardrobe dan juga membuat keputusan mutlak seandainya ada sesuatu yang tidak kena di saat akhir konsert diadakan.
Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh prinsipal AF7 selepas konsert minggu lepas, Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina telah memberi alasan yang pihaknya kesuntukan masa dan terpaksa melalui beberapa fasa atau birokrasi sekiranya ingin membuat sesuatu perubahan di saat akhir jika lagu pilihan atau wadrober yang diberi dirasakan tidak sesuai dengan pelajar.
Namun, tinjauan secara rambang yang dijalankan oleh team mStar Online termasuk temubual dengan mereka di belakang tabir dan kru produksi menunjukkan bahawa kuasa yang diberikan kepada pengetua AF cukup besar.
Malah lesen yang diserah kepada Pengetua AF sama besarnya seperti pengetua sesebuah pusat pengajian tinggi.
Malah, menurut beberapa sumber, pengetua boleh memberi teguran seandainya pelajar-pelajar dijadikan eksperimen untuk menyampaikan lagu yang boleh mengaibkan mereka.
"Pengetua ada kuasa melindungi hak pelajar sekiranya mereka diberikan lagu yang tidak sesuai atau sengaja mereka didajalkan dengan diberikan lagu yang salah.
Pengetua juga berhak menegur dan memberi pandangan jika mereka tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan pihak produksi atau wardrobe sekalipun," jelas sumber terdekat dengan program realiti ini.
Sambungnya lagi, "Setahu saya Pengetua diberi garis panduan untuk menentukan arah tuju sesebuah konsert.
"Jadi kenyataan yang menyatakan Pengetua tidak sempat untuk membetulkan sesuatu yang dirasa tidak kena di saat akhir, adalah kurang tepat."
"Hanya bila di atas pentas, itu sudah di luar bidang kuasa Pengetua. Saya cuma terkilan bila melihat pelajar-pelajar terkial-kial mencari identiti mereka.
"Sepatutnya mereka dibantu untuk mencari key yang sesuai dalam menyampai sesebuah lagu tapi penekanan lain pula yang diberikan," katanya.
Menurut satu sumber lain pula, mungkin juga pihak Astro ingin mencipta satu kontroversi untuk musim ke-7 ini, sebab itu sejak dari mula lagi segala tindakan yang diambil berbentuk kontroversi.
"Itu pendapat saya kerana saya pernah bersama AF sejak dari awal lagi. Seperkara yang saya suka musim ini ialah susunan muzik yang dibuat oleh Acis. Ia lebih segar, menepati apa yang saya ingin lihat. Cuma sesekali, ianya agak longgar," kata sumber yang pernah diberi kepercayaan menjadi tenaga pengajar dalam AF itu.
Katanya lagi, "Contohnya pada konsert minggu ketiga yang mengetengahkan lagu-lagu lama tahun 80'an. Lagu-lagu lama memang merdu namun pelajar belum ada 'expertise' untuk membawa lagu-lagu seperti ini.
"Sayang, pelajar-pelajar tidak boleh tackle lagu-lagu ini kerana mereka tidak faham 'trick' muzik itu. Sepatutnya Acis dibimbing oleh seorang eksekutif produser untuk memastikan kelancaran setiap konsert," katanya.
Pandangan dari bekas Pengetua AF musim lalu juga dituntut untuk meninjau prestasi pelajar-pelajar musim ini dari pengamatan mereka.
Bekas pengetua AF4, Ramli Sarip berpendapat, sesiapa yang terlibat dalam menentukan lagu pilihan, wardrobe dan lain-lain perlu bekerja secara berpasukan.
Jelas beliau, ini kerana lagu dan pakaian kena `serasi' dengan persembahan seorang penyanyi.
"Ini adalah kerja berpasukan dengan pereka bentuk, artis dan dan kita kena `bijak'... sebab kita bercakap tentang sesuatu yang bernilai seni dan artistik.
"Sebagai pengetua, kita boleh beri pandangan dalam post-mortem. Misalnya, sebelum dan selepas sesuatu persembahan... ," katanya ketika dihubungi mStar sebentar tadi.
Sementara itu, pengarah muzik tersohor Ramli M.S ketika diminta pendapat beliau berkata, "Sebagai seorang profesional, saya tidak ingin memberi komen terhadap hasil kerja orang lain.
"Sama seperti seorang Perdana Menteri lama memberi pandangan kepada Perdana Menteri baru. Ianya kurang manis. Tunggulah hingga musim AF7 selesai, nanti saya akan komen," kata bekas Pengetua AF musim ke-2 dan ke-6 ini.
Walau bagaimanapun, Ramli sempat memberi komen tentang susunan muzik di bawah pimpinan Acis.
"Saya rasa dia telah melakukan kerja yang bagus. Susunan muziknya baik dan sedap didengar," kata Ramli yang terkenal dengan sikap suka berterus terang itu.
'Arranger' muzik terkenal ini mengaku dek kesibukan kerja, dia tidak kesempatan mengikuti perkembangan pelajar-pelajar AF musim ini secara keseluruhan.
"Saya hanya sempat melihat tiga konsert saja. Bagi saya, pelajar yang paling menyerlah ialah Hafiz. Sekali dengar saja, saya tahu budak ini berbakat besar," jelas Ramli yang secara prinsipal bersetuju dengan kritikan yang dilemparkan oleh para juri tetap AF musim ini seperti Adlin Aman Ramlie, Datuk Khatijah Ibrahim dan Edry Hashim.
Dalam pada itu, bekas guru lakon seni persembahan AF, Fauziah Nawi berkata, setahu beliau, prinsipal berhak menegur pihak terbabit sekiranya tidak berpuas hati dengan lagu dan wardrobe peserta.
"Bekas pengetua AF, Ramli MS misalnya akan campur tangan semasa rehearsal. Beliau akan tegur lagu, koreografi, baju dan sebagainya. Ramli adalah seorang yang sangat vokal dan tegas," katanya.
Tambahnya, prinsipal juga bermesyuarat dengan cikgu dan pihak pengurusan setiap minggu untuk membincangkan masalah-masalah yang berbangkit.
Mengulas lanjut mengenai kuasa prinsipal dalam pemilihan lagu, Fauziah berkata, bekas pengetua AF, Ramli Sarip pernah membuat teguran.
Katanya, Ramli Sarip pernah meminta lagu seorang peserta AF6 yang tidak fasih berbahasa Inggeris ditukarkan.
"Budak itu pada awalnya diminta membawakan lagu Umbrella nyanyian Rihanna. Selepas teguran Ramli Sarip, budak itu mendapat lagu bahasa Melayu," jelasnya yang jarang mengikuti AF7 kini.
Sehubungan itu, Fauziah berasa hairan apabila dimaklumkan aspek pemilihan lagu atau tema dan gaya pakaian peserta tidak ditentukan oleh pengetua dan tenaga pengajar untuk musim ini.
"Melainkan pihak pengurusan mempunyai sebab-sebab tertentu ataupun mereka mempunyai strategi tertentu, saya kurang pasti. Kalau dengan Tiara sebagai pengetua AF sekarang, lagi mudah kerana dia terbuka," jelasnya.
Dalam pada itu bekas guru tarian AF1 hingga AF6, Linda Jasmine Hashim berkata setahunya guru vokal dan pengetua terlibat dalam pemilihan lagu pelajar AF pada musim yang lalu.
Sementara pemilihan pakaian pula hanya ditentukan oleh pihak wardrobe, pereka fesyen dan Astro sendiri.
Ditanya komennya tentang AF7, Linda memuji kehebatan semua pelajar dan menganggap mereka semua boleh menyanyi.
“Semua pelajar bagus-bagus belaka dan boleh menyanyi. Antara mereka, saya lihat ada tiga orang pelajar yang lebih menyerlah daripada yang lain iaitu Hafiz, Akim dan Aril.
“Saya rasa mereka bertiga boleh pergi jauh,” kata Linda.
Namun begitu, Linda juga mengkritik konsep baru yang diaplikasikan oleh AF7 sehingga membuatkan program itu tampak sama seperti program realiti nyanyian yang lain.
“Kalau boleh AF janganlah terlalu mengubah format asal program. Kalau sudah banyak perubahan, kekuatan program akan hilang.
“Format asal itu cuitan. Nanti, apa yang tinggal akan menjadi sama seperti program realiti nyanyian yang lain dan tiada kelebihannya lagi.
“Misalnya, semasa AF1 dan AF2 dulu pelajar-pelajar sangat terkongkong dan tidak dibenarkan keluar. Jadi, sebab itu mereka lebih berdisiplin.
“Sekarang, kualiti yang sama tidak akan dapat lagi apabila format asalnya telah dilanggar.
“Diharap, mereka kekalkan elemen asal AF dan jangan buang. Saya juga merasakan bekas guru vokal Adnan Abu Hassan sepatutnya ada di situ kerana dia ‘pioneer’.
“Ibarat kalau benda tu dah rosak, jangan cuba nak betulkan. Kalau nak berubah, berubah untuk kebaikan,” ujarnya.
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Labels: It's About ME, Ragam seharian kuhaha!! Just now i checked EMOE to check for my maktab temuduga results. HAHAH!!! and i got it!! yess2!! baru jak temuduga.. HAHHAH!!!
An open letter to Principal Tiara
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Labels: AF7, Akademi Fantasia, Malaysia( Sources: Mrmanager & Hafiz AF Idol Zone )
Assalamualaikum Principal Tiara
We, Fans and Friends of Hafiz would like to express our deepest frustrations and our dissatisfaction on the song selected for our dear Hafiz this week ie a long winding hip hop rap song Kau Punya Aku by Malique featuring Najwa. We watched the diary tonight and we noticed that even you, PRINCIPAL TIARA is unsure who Najwa is! How come? tsk tsk tsk looks like someone is not doing her homework ~~
Have you even listened to that song? The whole song? Dont you take part in the selection of songs for your students or you just leave that job to someone else. Principal Tiara, Malique the professional hip hop rapper sounded like he was READING from a script in that song with just 1 single note. wawawawa ... So with that, what are your expectations from Hafiz? What more can an amateur student like Hafiz do to improvise that song to make it better?! What I am trying to tell you here is even though this is a good song :: IT IS NOT SUITABLE FOR A COMPETITION.
Have you ever gone through the list of songs that has been sung by the individual students? Have you even noticed that HAFIZ had been getting songs that are just TOO OLD for him? The only song that was hip and current was his 1st song which was also HIS CHOICE, Lagu Kita. He performed excellently. Juries were impressed, audience applauded, even you enjoyed and was proud of his performance and you even awarded him the Pelajar Cemerlang award that 1st week, remember?
Tonight's diary showed you commenting on Hafiz saying that this was not his best performance. He could do better than that. OF COURSE HE COULD DO 10 TIMES BETTER THAN THAT IF YOU COULD ONLY GIVE HIM A FAIR CHANCE, A GOOD SONG LIKE YOU HAVE ASSIGNED TO THE OTHER STUDENTS.
Do you actually think that this hip hop song is a challenge for his Hafiz' vocal? Havent you been listening to the comments made by the juries? A MORE CHALLENGING SONG FOR HAFIZ! Or are the juries to be ignored. Just accessories to beautify the Dewan? So which part of the song, to your professional knowledge, Principal, is the real deal that could challenge Hafiz' vocal?
Principal Tiara, this is not helping Hafiz at all. Back to the recent bout of favouritism and biasness in the academy, its slowly revealing the fact that it is true, isnt it? Instead of helping Hafiz to menuju puncak, it seems that the academy is trying to push Hafiz down with all these songs!
Hafiz' Fans and Friends sound like we are forever complaining, displeasure about this and that. Do you receive complaints and whines from other fans, Principal Tiara? If you do, arent you going to attend to the complaints and try to rectify the problems? If you dont, doesnt it show that only Hafiz had been treated unfairly thus the complaints? We all know its impossible to make everyone happy! This is not so much about being happy or self satisfaction or craving for special treatment. Hafiz is not desperate for love and affection in the academy. This is all about being fair! Never mind the minimal airtime for Hafiz, never mind the teachers' sour faces when Hafiz receives positive comments from juries, its OK that he doesnt receive the best student award anymore, these do not affect his votes.
Principal Tiara, we appreciate that the academy acknowledged Hafiz as a versatile singer. For 6 weeks, he has proven that whatever songs of whatever genre that was slapped on to him, he managed to deliver well even though he struggled a bit during the last concert. After 6 weeks, dont you think its time to give him a break, Principal? Dont you think he has given enough and worked hard enough to prove that he truly is a versatile entertainer? Dont you realise that he had been struggling so hard trying to make the best out of some unheard of songs which made even the original singer proud?
We were so happy to hear that AF7 is being headed by a lady. Not any other lady but you, Tiara Jacquelina. Personally, I had always looked up to you as a very intelligent and sophisticated lady. We thought you could bring changes and transform the traditional ways of twisting the drama to sway votes to something more intelligent ... and we are still waiting.
All we ask for is, if you could give a popular current hit song to a student whose voice you know suits the song perfectly well, could you also give Hafiz that chance too? He deserves a good song too dont you think so? I believe its not too late to change his song this week. Could you please look into it, Principal? If the other students can get a song of their preference by their idol singer, so can Hafiz right?
Hafiz Akademi Fantasia 7
Isu pilih kasih oleh tenaga pengajar kepada HAFIZ??!!
3 comments Posted by miszolive at Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Labels: AF7, Akademi Fantasia, MalaysiaOMG!!! Sebenarnya isu ni dah lama dah aku dengar, tapi aku buat derk je sebab bagi aku apa2 je lagu yang diorang bagi kat Hafiz, Hafiz pasti boleh rembat punye. Tapi, tugasan untuk Hafiz minggu ke-7 ni memang melampau. Itu lagu ke dialogue? haiya. No offence to peminat, penyanyi and org yang buat lagu ni la. For me, lagu tu mmg tak sesuai untuk dipertandingkan.
Excuse me... napa plak plajar lain xda diberi lagu mcm tu? Kite mmg dah tahu kan yang Hafiz ni serba boleh, tapi, tindakan yang DIORANG buat tu dah melampau. Kesian la sikit kat Hafiz tu. Sama la macam kes si Qhaud tu. Lagu Seruanku tu memang lasak, mana tak Qhaud tu sengsara nyanyi lagu tu minggu lpas. akhirnya, dia tersingkir. kesian Qhaud.
Lagi satu, setiap kali aku tonton diari akademi fantasia, aku lihat diorang ni main jer.. Borak je kat meja makan.. tenaga pengajar pun sama.. Ye la.. kita pun tak tahu kan apa sebenarnya blaku lagipun diari hanya sejam jer.. proses pembelajaran diorang hanya ada beberapa minit je berbanding dengan masa diorang main2.. para pengajar pula kadang-kadang tumpukan perhatian yang lebih pada kisah sesetengah pelajar yang tak pernah habis dengan masalah diri dia. Orang lain pun ada masalah beb, ornag lain pun rasa tak konfiden beb, ornag lain pun perlukan cikgu tu.. aduh..
Mcm yang cikgu2 tu cakap, 'this is not a singing competition. Orang nak cari penyanyi yg serba boleh, n bla3..' Then, kalau ni bukan singing competition, buat pa nak uji si Hafiz tu sampai bergitu skali. Lain la kalau nak jatuhkan si Hafiz tu. Ye la, kalau Hafiz gagal minggu ni, mesti org akan cakap bnda yg tak baik kan pasal si Hafiz ni. Hafiz ni ini la.. Hafiz ni itu la.. Macam2 la.. Itu ke yang mereka cari?
Tak kisah la siapa yang menentukan lagu2 untuk para pelajar tu, cuma ni saja nasihat saya, fikir baik2, kalau korang terlepas si hafiz tu, akan tersia-sia lah satu lagi bakat yang memang layak untuk mendapat juara dalam akademi fantasia. Tapi tak pa, walau Hafiz tak menang Akademi Fantasia, walau dia tak dapat gelaran juara, walau dia tak dapat duit berpuluhan ribu tu, Dia tetap akan menjadi juara dalam hati para peminat dia. Aku yakin, Hafiz ni akan mampu mencabar para penyanyi lain yang kat luar sana.
Tak per. Korang bagi je lah lagu apa2 pun. walau lagu tu tiada muzik, walau lagu tu takda lirik or walau lagu tu tak pernah wujud langsung, Hafiz tetap akan dapat lakukan yang terbaik!! Aku cuma berdoa je la. Mudah-mudahan, pihak2 yang berkaitan dengan Akademi Fantasia, krew2 or tenaga pengajar akan sedar akan perkara ni dan ambil tindakan yang sepatut nya diorang ambil dari dulu lagi. Jangan la buat kormersial yang berlebih-lebihan jikalau korang tak mampu nak laksanakan nya. mana transformasi yang anda janjikan? Bagi saya, hanya Pentas tu jer yang dah ketara perubahan nya. Tak tahu la bagi anda..
Tepuk Dada Tanya lah Selera...
It has been a long time i did not write about my artist. kikiki. This time, it is about Dean Fujioka. An actor in Miss No Good Taiwanese drama.
(Sources : Wikipedia and Dramawiki )
Japanese name: Fujioka Tatsuo
English name: Dean Fujioka

Profession: Actor and model
Birthplace: Fukushima, Japan
Birthdate: 1980-Aug-19
Height: 179cm
Star sign: Leo
Chinese zodiac: Monkey
Blood type: A

His role in the Taiwanese TV drama Miss No Good also made him the role model for Japan's actors, someone who made it big outside Japan. Now, he is a culture icon for Dean's People who were influenced by his passion. Everyday is an ongoing learning process for Dean. He is fluent in English, Japanese, and Chinese, and when he is away from the spotlight, he loves photography, writing poetry, and making music. Dean wants to represent his work, thoughts, and passion to the world through films and music.

Currently, Dean is traveling across Asia for the making of his first album, working on various film assignments in between.
( Photos credit to
( sources : mon(dot)com )
korang check lah kat blog dier ek. HAHA!! malas aku nak crita panjang2. Cuma nak bagitau yang aku pun ada join gak bnda ni. cuz aku minat nak buat music. HIHIH
wahha.. today is my happiest day!! all of a sudden, my streamyx seems to get back to it's senses. HAHA!! Ada meh? last nite, i slept at 1a.m. watching korean drama (Snow Queen) but i din watch it smpai habis. very sad ley. hihi!!
then, this morning, i had to wake up at 5.00a.m. aiya, een waktu school pun i didn't get up that early. HAHA!! i was following my parents to sarikei. First hantar my sis to SK Lichok la. On our way, I merasmikan my car modulator which i bought yesterday. HAHA!! to prevent me from sleeping dalam kreta but, towards the end, i feel asleep. LOL!
We reached Sarikei at 7.30a.m. Then i rushed to the bedroom and sleep until 10.45a.m. HAHA!! my mom as usual la. Watching every single dramas kat tv ( IT's True!!). Then, i had my breakfast at 11. Then i go to mandi bcuz i didn't mandi tadi ba Sibu bah. HAHA!! Laban it has been a while i haven't madi dalam bathtub, so i mandi dalam bathtub la tadi. waseh! i'm taking my sweet time to mandi. nearly 45minutes!! LOL!!! Enjoyed it very much ley. My rumah di Sibu pun didn't have bathtub. HIHI!! My mom masak la by the time.
Lepas mandi, trus having lunch. Waseh. Lama nda makai makanan sengapa. kikiki. Sambil makan, sambil watching tv. it's a drama of Malaysia collaborate with Phillipines. Waseh!! Jericho Rosales and Awal Ashaari (btul x spell?). I like both. Both were very charming and they look slightly alike. HAHA!! Kembar la tek.
Then, 3.00p.m, i went to sleep again. Very boring eyh Sarikei. by 5.oop.m, we balik Sibu. on our way to sibu, Agnes Monica sang her song. I took out my hp and owh, its kayrell.
then, by 12 something, i checked for Instep results. but, guess what? It showed this.
Sila kembali ke laman ini selepas 28hb April 2009 untuk menyemak status keputusan permohonan anda dengan cara memilih pautan 'Pemohon Berdaftar'.
Panggilan Ke Sesi Temuduga:
Hanya calon-calon yang berjaya disenarai pendek akan menerima pengesahan melalui sistem pesanan ringkas (SMS).
Surat panggilan temuduga MESTI dicetak dari laman web ini.
Sekian Terima Kasih.
Death is certain but the Bible speaks about untimely death!
Take a personal reflection about this.....
Very interesting, read until the end.....
It is written in the Bible (Galatians 6:7):
'Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man sow,
that shall he also reap.
Here are some men and women
who mocked God :
John Lennon (Singer):
Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said:
'Christianity will end, it will disappear.
I do not have to argue about
that. I am certain.
Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, today we are more famous than Him' (1966).
Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.
Tancredo Neves (President of Brazil ):
During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency.
Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died.
Cazuza (Bi-sexual Brazilian composer, singer and poet):
During A show in Canecao ( Rio de Janeiro ),
while smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said:'God, that's for you.'
He died at the age of 32 of LUNG CANCER in a horrible manner.
The man who built the Titanic
After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be.
With an ironic tone he said:
'Not even God can sink it'
The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic
Marilyn Monroe (Actress)
She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show.
He said the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.
After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said:
'I don't need your Jesus'.
A week later, she was found dead in her apartment
Bon Scott (Singer)
The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang:
'Don't stop me; I'm going down all the way, down the highway to hell'.
On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his own vomit.
Campinas (IN 2005)
In Campinas , Brazil a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend.....
The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter holding her hand, who was already seated in the car:
'My Daughter, Go With God And May He Protect You.'
She responded: 'Only If He (God) Travels In The Trunk, Cause Inside Here.....It's Already Full '
Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died,
the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact.
The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs, none was broken
Christine Hewitt (Jamaican Journalist and entertainer)
said the Bible (Word of God) was the worst book ever written.
In June 2006 she was found burnt beyond recognition in her motor vehicle.
Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus.
Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still alive.
I have done my part, Jesus said
'If you are embarrassed about me,
I will also be embarrassed about you before my father.'
'Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen.'
INFORMATION EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW about strokes/blood clots
2 comments Posted by miszolive at Sunday, April 19, 2009(SOURCES: Caroline J - Forwarded Mail )
Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue
I will continue to forward this every time it comes around!
STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters.... S.T.R.
My nurse friend sent this and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree.
If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks.
Please read:
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall. She assured everyone that she was fine (They offered to call paramedics). She said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.
They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.
Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital. At 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away. She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. . Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.It only takes a minute to read this...
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.
Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify.
Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S *Ask the individual to SMILE.
T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE, coherently. (i.e. It is sunny out today.)
R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue
NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue... If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.
I have done my part. Will you?
I was very mad with Streamyx lately. I mean my Streamyx. Whenever I want to use it, I can't get thru to network!!! Haiya! Terpaksa i pergi ke CC. Buang duit jak woi!
Just now, I went to KFC, konon2 dapat lah pakei WiFi kat sia. Padu tek, Wifi sia hiasan jak. Babi. Sikdapat pakei. Terpaksa pergi Premier.
What shud i share oo? oh ya. This morning I went to PC FAir kat Rajang Port. This was the third time i went there. Then I bought car modulator and Thumbdrve. Everything cost less than RM50 la. HIhi. Then, I bought new number. HAHA!!! Celcom Blue. 3G simcard.
I don't feel like sharing more bcuz i was in public. My attention was caught by the mensia who lalu lalang ba tisi aku. Lelak udu my mata ngelihat sida ya.
Anyway, my friends yang diterima masuk Matrix, CONGRATULATIONSS!!!! HAHA!!!! Menyesal gak asai iya aku ndai apply suba o? Nasib mai! HIHI!! Lagipun, aku nda minat ka masuk matrix. Cun ga bila aku ka apply, time utk apply dah tutup. HAHA!!! Maybe sida ya nemu hati ku nda berapa minat ka masuk matrix.
Aku pula, terpaksa memerangkapkan diri ke Form6. Nyak pun nti aku ndai diterima masuk ke mana2 tempat lain. HAHA!!! bc beberapa gik bah benda yang dah diapply ku tp mpai kuar keputusan. my IPTA, Petronas, Uitm, Politeknik, maktab n bla3. But i prefer maktab more la. HAHA!!
Org2 yang ba PO Fair tadi amat mayuh!!!! Baka ba dalam sarang semut. APU!! mpai ku kala! Bau bala mensia nyu bcampur2. ALah bau kasam mamy ku. HAHa!!! Ba farley pun sama gak. Ka luput ku meda mensia ngemayuh nyak.
Ye2!! Minggu depan aku ngagai Bintulu. Not that i haven't been there, tapi aku dah lama nda kia bah. KIKIKIKI. Eh, ok la. Lelak dah ku menaip tok. Dah la keyboard ba CC tok sengapa. Huruf2 dah terkupak. Nyu nda temu huruf apa ba pad nya. nasib ku ngemandai ke diri naip utai ba diak. HAHA!! Dah la komputer ditu nyu ngasuh pala aku tunduk. Kalu baruh. Haiya. AMat padah urg. Nda kira semanah ni pun menua urg, mmg nyamai g ba menua kitai empu. nda kira semanah ni pun Pc urg, nyamai gik ngena PC kitai empu. betul2??? Lantak korang lah. HAHA!!!
Refreshes my dream,
Hoping you won't awaken.
Don't want the present,
Yesterday went by too soon,
Can't bring it up,
Suppressing inside me.
I want to kiss your cheek,
As a proof of this existence,
It is because of you that i believe in love,
Being generous to me,
This love is not coincidence but fate.
This is love,
Is our love,
It is not fantasy, but reality.
Keep you close inside of me,
Quietly pretending our love is still there,
So I'm not willing to let go.
Nervously i waited patiently,
watching the sparrows I thought of our future,
It's because of you i understand,
That this is love.
But the dream is still here,
Careful not to let you awaken,
Maybe now,
It's the never ending future,
It's you that let me believe in love
by being generous to me
Xie Xie
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Friday, April 17, 2009 Labels: It's About ME, Ragam seharian ku, wilber pan
This song reminds me of someone. And i would like to take this opportunity to say Xie Xie for all you have done to me. Thank you for ended everything. Thank you for telling me that I no longer have any place in you. Thank you for everthing that you have gave me. I will always remember our memories. Thank you for once giving me happiness that i have never had. Whenever I remember your voice, singing with me, I could smile even when i'm sad. The new girl, I'm giving you my blessing. And I prayed that both of you will do your very best to maintain your relationship. Not to repeat our mistakes. I remember when I saw you with her, I saw how your eyes seeing her. And I saw how happy you are, that i learned to give you up. One thing that i keep bear in my mind, I'VE LoST YOU. Thank you for making me cry...
Under the dusk key, it’s lonely
What comes and goes only remains are both clumsy hands
That is accompanying me tenaciously
Remember the time he sang the gentle soft song
I could smile even when I’m sad
He gave you protection, replaces my care
That is my final blessing
Thank you for the ending
The brutality after cooling down
Thank you for the contentment
Telling me not to give in again
Thank you for your warmth, the memory remains at first
Thank you for once giving me happiness
Don’t stop singing, it’s becoming more and more clear
Remember you saw his eyes and were satisfied
I learned to give up
He gave you protection, replaces my care
I can only secretly pray for heavenly blessing for you
Thank you for the ending
The brutality after cooling down
Thank you for the contentment
Telling me not to give in again
Thank you for your warmth, the memory remains at first
Thank you for once giving me happiness
Thinking how to control feelings
Think about the cheeks temperature
Thank you for the years of paying for me
Thank you for the ending
The brutality after cooling down
Thank you for the contentment
Telling me not to give in again
Thank you for your warmth, the memory remains at first
I found this jokes ba dalam satu newspaper. Lemme share it.
1. Asal Usul Kepada Nama Elektrik Dan Lampu Kalimantang.
Pada suatu masa dahulu, selepas setahun Thomas Edison ( T.E )mencipta lampu, saintis tidak pernah terfikir pun nak memberi nama kuasa yang menyebabkan lampu itu hidup. Jadi, entah macammana semasa lampu itu hendak mula2 dikenalkan di Tanah Melayu, ada seorang pemuda melayu bernama Encik Kulup Kalimantang. Beliau ni memang tak suka ngan owang puteh. Nak dijadikan cerita, pada suatu hari, T.E mengadakan satu demonstrasi di Tanah Melayu untuk memperkenalkan lampu itu. Encik Kulup Kalimantang itu mmg bermati-matian tidak percaya akan hasil ciptaan T.E itu. Dengan penuh perasaan benci dan meluat, beliau berkata dengan kuat.
"Ele.. Trik aje tu!. Trik aje!!"
(maksudnya Tipu la tu)
T.E berasa hairan kenapa Encik Kulup berkata demikian. Dia berfikiran, Encik Kulup berkata demikian kerana memberitahunya nama kuasa yg membuatkan lampu itu hidup. Jadi, tercipta lah nama ELEKTRIK. Untuk mengenang jasa Encik Kulup, nama lampu yang bermentol panjang itu dinamakan Lampu Kalimantang.
2. Dilema Ayam Dan Lembu
Ayam: Bengang betul aku!! Manusia ni memang pentingkan diri sendiri!
Lembu: Kenapa kau kata macam tu?
Ayam: Tengok lah apa mereka buat kat aku!
Lembu: Hah!! Buat apa?
Ayam: Aku ni bertelur hari-hari, cadang nak lah dapat 2 3 ekor anak. Ada jugak waris aku bila aku dah tak ada nanti. Tapi manusia ni memang teruk! Hari-hari diorang makan telur aku (Dalam jako Iban, lain mat maksud tok :P ), macammana aku nak dapat anak? Lama-lama boleh mandul aku tau!
Lembu: ALah!! ko punye poblem kecik jek!
Ayam: Maksud kau?
Lembu: Aku ni lagi malang, rasa nak bunuh diri pun ada. Bayangkan, tiap-tiap hari manusia minum susu aku tapi sorang pun tak pernah panggil aku mak.
(Aku dan Ayam pun hampir pingsan)
Keep alert!! More jokes to come!!!!! Leave some cumint plizz
Story of The Day
2 comments Posted by miszolive at Thursday, April 16, 2009 Labels: Akademi Fantasia, It's About ME, Ragam seharian kuMy day started as usual at 6.15 a.m. I woke up then I go downstairs. I poured some air mati then minum. Konon2 want to ikut healthy lifestyle lah tek. I am supposed to drink atleast 500ml of water directly after i woke up but i managed to drink 1/4 only. Cannot tahan la consume too much water. HAHA!! Then I masak mee Sedap for my brother, coffee and his bekal. Then i have to masak ikan for my cats. Rauh2 them minta food. I finished my cooking around 6.45a.m then i woke my brother up. Since my brother tidur downstairs, I terus ambik keputusan watching Diari Akademi Fantasia. Aiyo. What happened ek? Cannot remember lar. Hihi.
Then I tidur balik until 9a.m. I started my routine la, menunga my punya pc. Nearly 11a.m, my Agnes Monica melalak lagi. Angela texted me.
Dalam pukul 5.30p.m macam tu, Angela came to our house lagi. We want to pegi jogging. HAHA!! Amalan hidup sihat bah. :P Dalam kul 7p.m baru la we arrived kat rumah I. Lpas tu Angela balik. Oh ya, dalam masa we jogging, adalah 2 guys. Not old, and not very young folks. Around 30 or 40 something. They saw Angela using tancut short2 one and they start to "Shyit2" at us. Aiyo. Sh*t old people. Already nearly old ( Apa punya bahasa daa ) but still playing around with white chick ( Angela ) . HAHA!! Then, sambil2 we slow jog, sambil2 we gossip2. Kikiki. Angela told me about her mimpi and her workmate. Aiyo, her workmate very the show off la. Want to ber-gaga2 also want to tell people. Tak malu ke? Aduhh. Isak tek sigat. HAHA!! Then we sempat2 kenang2 our past. Syukur la both of us is not very bergantung with our parents compared to her younger siblings. Even, our parents no need to madah or ngasuh we go to study (revision). Our efforts is paid off la. HAHA!!
After makan, I watched TV. Crita kat Astro Prima. Entah apa tajuk dia. Something related with jin, makhluk halus, org kena rasuk and adegan org nak kluar kan benda tu. I cannot watched benda2 macam tu. This situation we called BUYAN. HAHA!! Then, at 9.oop.m sharp, i tengok diar AF. 1 thing that makes me curious. What happened to Claudia and her husband? There is something fishy la between both of them. We never saw her excitedly talking about her husband. Even, last concert when they bought her son, she looked like isin-isin happy (pandangan ku jak). No offence to her peminat because I minat her too bah. Then about Yazid. Dia tu playful gila ah. Aduh. Tension sangat agak nya. Selalu sangat komplen pasal suara dia sumbang. YOur hair is TOO heavy i think. Why don't they cut his hair like what they did to Akim?? Qhaud is very pity because his song was way too heavy for him. i think la. Amboi, nyu ngaga review pasal AF pula. HAHA!!
At 11.oop.m, I took my bath then I'm doing what i'm doing now. OMG!! Agnes Monica melalak lagi!! Oh, Kayrell rupanya.
(She terus hantar instant msg thru YM, then I replied thru YM la.)
"OH!! Lupa ka madah, ku dah tukar URL tadi"
Goodnyte folks!!! Thanks for reading!! Anyway, leave your comments yah!!
Fahrenheit fever in S'pore [eng sub]
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Thursday, April 16, 2009 Labels: FahrenheitWah.. i think this one is very funny. HAHA!! for Fahrenheit fans only lar. I am one of their fans bah. The MC is defeated. KAHKAHKAH!! Next time, they need no MC to host for their programme bcuz they themselves do it really well. Kikiki.
I noticed that Calvin and Jiro is very talkative. Aaron and Wu Chun is just the supporting roles here but both of them are really cute. HAHA!!! Watch it!!
Olive le..
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Thursday, April 16, 2009 Labels: It's About ME, Ragam seharian kuHAHA!!! Just want to share it with you guys. I read my friend's blog just now and it seems to give me an idea on how to write in a more funny way. She even wrote her conversation with her mum with her broken English. HAHA!! Can't help myself from laughing.
This afternoon, I went out with my friends, Belynda and Larrison. This is how it happened.
By 11.30a.m. I prepared myself bcuz she told me that her father will pick me up in a bit. I was quite rushing bcuz before i leave, i have to cook food for my brother. After I had finished bathing (Kantoi mandi laun, kakaka) I rushed to the kitchen and start cooking. Then, I received another text from Belynda.
After finished cooking, I went upstair (still using towel) and menunga my PC and at the same time, I ngerangkaikan my hair. Then I pasukkan my baju. Lepas tu, i continue to menunga my PC. Not very long after that, it started to rain heavily. And I was thinking, how will I go to Sing kwong and wait for Belynda there?? I send her a text.
Me: Hello??
Bel: Hello..
Me: Eh Bel!! Nda nyadi aku ngau d ke paksen. Balat mat ujan ditu!! Enti ku ke Sing Kwong walau ku ngena payung pun basah meh ku. Anang ke nyak, mesti payung ku ka terebai. Kasih ku.
Bel: Nai! Namahal nda nyadi deh? Anang pia. Legi ku ngasuh DD ku ngambi d gai umah lah.
Me: Eh! Nda ngenusah ke DD d kah? Enti ngenusah, nibuh jak lah Bel. Ku takut membebankan DD d bah. (Esen2 jak ku time tok)
Bel: Ndai nya ngacau. Legi ku berunding.
Me: OK!! Sorry nti ku ngenusah ke d k? Madah enti ka datai. Bye!!
Bel: Okeh. Bye!!
While waiting for her father, both of us went to KFC to fill our perut (tadik komplen dikpun bsar, kakya makan g KFC). We had finished our meal when her father told her that he has arrived. Then, me and Belynda run to the car and picked Larrison up (poor him, had to wait for almost 3 hours. sorryyy!!).
While waiting for Larrison, Agnes Monica menyanyi lagi. Lydia texted me.
" Aduh! Lama lagi lah aku ka rasa nepan keta di drive d. "
Click HERE to go to her page.
Then we go raun2.
Bel: Nda nemu. Oh ya, ka ngambi duit lok ku. Dini bc atm machine utk bank ***? Other than yang ke ba pasar tok? Laban aku nda berani ka tama kia. Sempit mat jalai nya.
Me: Oh. Ba Sing Kwong bc lah.
Bel: Ya kah? Kin meh kitai.
Me: Nda ku.
Lar: Aku pun ngai. Malas.
Bel: Ok. Kunci pintu.
ME: Ok. Ngai ke urg ka menculik indu kiut baka aku.
(Both of them laughing)
Me: Ngelala ah. Frenandez kah?
Lar: Auk.
Me: Kati ke nda ngelala, kawan ku maya tadika and maya tuition tahun 6 suba uchak nya. APu!! Teringat ke kisah kami maya agi tuition suba. Sampai diatu ku agi ingat. Aku agi hutang ngau ya RM2. HAHA!
Lar: Lapa d berhutang ngau ya?
Me: Aku challenge ya ngaga benda yang bodo2 bah. HAHa!! Aku challenge ya ngasuh ya enterai 200 kali. Enti ya ulih, aku meri ya RM2 (berega RM2 maya agi mit suba wai)
(Both of us laughing)
Me: But towards the end, ya mpu nyu ka mutah. Aduii. Gila mat.
Good nite!!
When You Believe -Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston
4 comments Posted by miszolive at Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Mariah Carey was my idol. I love her since i was in primary school. She has such a beautiful voice. This song has a deep meaning for me. " There can be miracles when you believe". And I believe it too.
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopefull song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we knew we could
There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayers so often prove(s) in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now I'm standing here
My heart's so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say
There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
They don't (always happen) when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way straight throught the rain
(A small but )still resilient voice
Says (hope is very near)
There can be miracles
When you believe
(Lord, when you believe)
Though hope is frail
(Though hope is frail)
It's hard to kill
(Hard to kill, Ohhh)
Who knows what miracles,you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will(somehow,somehow, somehow)
somehow you will
You will when you believe
You will when you
You will when you believe
Just your heart
Just believe
You will when you believeeeeeeeeeee
WoW!!! I will survive is one of my favorite songs!! She's the best!
Charice Pempengco - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Labels: Charice Pempengco, Phillipines
I had goosebumps whenever i hear her singing! She was really good! wuuhhuu!!! Keep it up girl!!
Just wanna take this opportunity to promote this song. I fell in love with this song the first time i heard it. Another high quality song from Nikki. I just love it!! Here, listen to it.
Cinta - Nikki

Hallow!!! HAHA!! For those who is interested to learn Mandarin language, you may join me. It is for free!! You just have to sit, listen, memorize and say it out as well. It makes my life easier now a days because i love to watched Chinese Dramas and Movies. Thanks to those who has helped me with the lessons.
Interested to join me? Join me HERE now!
I prepared one for you to watched first.
Sniper (Movie)
1 comments Posted by miszolive at Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Labels: Edison Chen, Hong KongI was watching TV yesterday when I saw this trailer. By only watching this trailer, I knew that this will be a very good movie. LOL!! Plus, Edison Chen in ACTION!! Hihi! Wow, he sure has a lot of guts after all the scandal of his sexy picture. If i was asked, i don't mind about it. Haha! It's a common issue now. And Oh! This movie will be in cinema on April 23, 2009. See You In Cinema!!
I can't find much more about the movie but just some pictures from the movie. Let's see it together.
I Miss My Friends!!
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Labels: Geng Budak Siput, It's About ME, Ragam seharian kuWAhh!! Bila aku fikir2, tak lama lagi intake nak masuk ke institut2 atau universiti dah nak mula. Macammana la agaknya kehidupan kitorang ek? Aku plak, kalau blum ada apa2 yang menyangkut kena plak masuk Form6 dulu. Tak pe. Excited gak aku. HAHA! Hari ni, aku bangun jek trus teringat kat kawan2 aku. Huhu. Rindu ler.HA! Ni nak cerita sikit tentang kawan2 aku. Kitorang satu geng ni ada 6 orang. 5pompuan and 1 je lelaki. Hihi. Sebab. dulu dalam kelas kitorang hanya ada 7 bumiputera je. Yang lain-lain tu cina, jadi kitorang ni mengikat hubungan kawan yang baik la. Yang seorang lagi bumiputera tu tak ngam sangat ngan kitorang so dia tak masuk group la. HIHI. Gambar yang kat atas ni adalah time kitorang celebrate birthday salah seorang member kitorang. Alyne nama nya. Hihi. Tak lama lagi bday dia. Oh ya, Gabungan huruf nama kami pun ada tau. Kitorang ni digelar AALoHA. SEbab??
A: Angelina
A: Angela Jessica
L: Lydia Bangie
O: Olive Linda
H: Hudson
A: AlyneGambar yang ni pula gambar time tahun 2007 dulu. Time ni last gathering untuk tahun 2007. Jadi kitorang satu kelas buat keputusan nak buat outing. Kitorang pergi ke Bukit Aup, Sibu. Yang ni member2 tak lengkap sebab yang lain tu tengah sibuk BBQ. Kitorang ni jer yang tak buat apa2. HAHA! Sekarang ni, kumpulan kami ni lebih dikenali sebagai GBS. GENG BUDAK SIPUT. Haa.. Jeng jeng jeng!! Ada sebab kenapa kami buat nama tu. Bukan sebab kami ni lambat macam siput tau!! LOL!!
Haa.. korang nampak tak gambar yang ni? Girl yang paling kanan tu lah yang buat nama group kitorang ni GENG BUDAK SIPUT. Gara-gara dia jugak la kitorang ada logo sendiri. HAHA!!! Dia siap beli keychain yang ada kulit siput kat kitorang 6. Ish2.. bersemangat tau. HAHA!! Yang ni berposing ala2 terlekat kat dinding lak. HAHA!!
Yang ni plak Last gathering untuk kitorang ber-6. Kitorang makan kat kfc untuk celebrate peperiksaan SPM tahun 2008 dah tamat!! Hihi. Hudson ni plak layan handphone, jeling pun takde. Aiyo.
We Are BesTFriend!! Among kitorang ber-6, kitorang ber-3 ni la yang paling rapat. Kalau kitorang bersama, mesti kecoh kelas. Ni yang buat aku rindu ni. biar aku kenalkan dulu bestfriend aku ni ek? Yang paling kiri tu aku la, yang kat tengah2 tu Lydia nama nya, and yang paling kanan tu Angela nama nya. Hihi. Tetiba plak aku teringatkan time aku and angela buat demonstrasi Shuffle kat kelas. Cikgu pun join sekali. HAHA!! Kelas-kelas lain semua heran sebab kitorang tetiba tutup langsir and pintu. Rindu lar. Hihi. itu dulu la, time kitorang ni masih meminati shuffle. SEKARANG?? No comment. LOL!!
Apa-apa pun, persahabatan kitorang ber-6 akan selalu ada. Walau jauh mana pun kitorang pergi, kitorang takkan lost contact. GBS!!!!!
Joe Cheng Profile
Name: Cheng Yuan Chang, Joseph
Chinese name: 郑元畅 (鄭元暢)
Nickname: Xiao Zhong (小综)
DOB: June 19, 1982
Birth place: Taiwan
Height: 188cm
Blood type: O
Profession: Actor and model
(Also known as Zheng Yuan Chang)
Joe Cheng Biography
Joe started his entertainment career as a fashion and commercial model. He made his acting debut in 2003 TV drama “The Rose”, starring alongside Ella Chen and Jerry Huang. The drama was a big hit, and Joe became a popular actor in Taiwan since then.
Joe continued to star in numerous dramas while keeping his modelling job. He has mentioned that he won’t give up as a model because it’s where he started his entertainment career, and he hopes that he will do well in both acting and modelling.
2005 was another breakthrough year for Joe; he starred in Japanese manga adapted TV drama “It Started with a Kiss” (ISWAK) with Ariel Lin, which was a big hit across Asia… and Joe becomes an international star.
- 2003: 薔薇之戀 (The Rose)
- 2003: 米迦勒之舞 (Dance With Michael)
- 2004: 撞球小子 (Nine-Ball)
- 2004: 愛情魔戒 (Magic Ring)
- 2005: 惡作劇之吻 (It Started With A Kiss)
- 2006: 第一桶金 (Di Yi Tong Jin)
- 2006: 庚子風雲 (Geng Zi Feng Yun)
- 2007: 熱情仲夏 (Summer x Summer)
- 2007: 惡作劇2吻 (They Kiss Again)
- 2008: 我的億萬麵包 (Love Or Bread)
- 2009: 最後的吻 (The Last Kiss)
Zhong Yu Yuan Wei 忠於原味 - Joe Zheng Yuan Chang 鄭元暢
HAHA!! aku joined follower untuk Nubhan's official blog. Hihi. Aku suka baca2 apa2 yg aku rasa best. kalau korang pun nak join aku, klik je kat SINI!!
HA!! Korang lihat la.. ni la gambar yang Nubhan letak kat official blog dia tuh. Lawa tak? hihi
WarDina ( DediCaTed To LyDia Who AdmiRe Her)