A dream of mine that will come true..
5 comments Posted by miszolive at Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Labels: It's About ME, Ragam seharian kuYesterday, when I was watching the final episodes ( 2 hours ) of HOuse, I got the idea of asking a guitar from my brother since he had just received his money from his online bussiness, MoreNiche. At first, he looks like he doesn't wanna buy it and he said,

Me: I can learn. I found a site which teach people to play guitar. I can also ask dad to teach me. Pleasseee.....
M.B : I ask you to do articles for me, but you refused. Then, I think I have a right to refuse kan?
He just smiled and keep online-ing.
me: Pleaasssee!! I promised I'll do even better if you buy me guitar.
M.B : Why do you need guitar? You want to be like Yuna (one of Malaysian indie singer)?
Me : No, I don't even minat her. I want to be like Taylor swift.
we both laughed.

Me : Electric guitar?? NO! I want classic guitar, but i must be expensive.

Then I saw him doing some clicking and
M.B : FUyoo.. your guitar is very expensive!
I run towards him and take a look. And hell yeah!! It's expensive!! The shipping cost itself has already reached RM100++.
Me : Goshh.. It's expensive!!
The both of us keep looking.. After I made up my mind which guitar I wanna buy, then he realised that the online shop doesn't have any delivery to Sabah and Sarawak!!! Shit!!
M.B : Opss!! No delivery to Sabah and Sarawak.
Me : Huh?! Shit!! Then what to do?
M.B : Aiyoh, just look for a music instrument shop in Sibu and buy it for yourself.
Me : No way!! I only know one shop yang ada jual which is Farley. I don't wanna buy it there. Guitar kapok ya!
M.B : What to do. If Sibu doesn't have any music instrument shop, then, no need to buy la..
Me : No!! I'll ask my friends.
Me : Huh?! Aiyoo..
( I am very lazy to think and compose an article, plus, my english is not very good )
M.B : My decision is tetap and no one can change my decision. The day that you finished your articleS, I'll bring you to buy a guitar for you and myself.
He hand me his thumbdrive.

M.B : This are the articles which you need to changed. Good luck!!
Me : Chis!

This video was made by myself. Because I was so in love with this song and I love to sing it, then I made a video with the lyrics itself. But please remember, I don't own the music and please don't blame me as I am one of her (Pink) innocent fans. HAHA!!! Please enjoy
I don't believe you_Pink
85 comments Posted by miszolive at Sunday, August 09, 2009 Labels: Favourite song, PinkAnother song by Pink. This one was from her Fun House album. Why do i like this song? I like the courage of the girl on pursuing the man of her life. Although the man had already said that he doesn't love her anymore. she still love the man and she act like she doesn't know that the man doesn't like her anymore. pretty much like the story of my love life. eventhough I know that the man I love loves somebody else, I still think of him and loving him without his knowing. But I still pity the girl in the song because she made it like she would die if the man doesn't love her anymore.. like me.. huuu
LoneLy GirL_Pink
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Friday, August 07, 2009 Labels: Favourite song, PinkThis song called Lonely Girl sang by Pink. One of my favourite song. Although this one was her old song, but its still nice..
Dear MR.President _Pink (with Lyric)
0 comments Posted by miszolive at Friday, August 07, 2009 Labels: Favourite song, PinkJust heard the song tonight and fell in love with it. Very meaningful song and I like her voice.. In love with Pink starting from few weeks ago.. HAHAH!!! didn't know that she had such a nice song. She had a bunch of nice songs you know? i'll try to share it with you guys but first, listen to this song..
I owned no credits for the video. I took the video from YouTube just to share it with my beautiful readers..
Happy Moment during Police Cadet Camp 2009. (video)
9 comments Posted by miszolive at Wednesday, August 05, 2009 Labels: Malaysia, Ragam seharian kuJust wanna share our best moment during our camp. Sorry for the very loud noise behind. Our laugh was so loud. Just for your information, the language we've been using here is Bahasa Iban (Malaysia/Sarawak/Borneo).
Love Story _ My Friend's version..
1 comments Posted by miszolive at Tuesday, August 04, 2009 Labels: Favourite song, Malaysia, Ragam seharian kuhalloo!!! HEHE!! It's been a long time i didn't update my blog.. well, today's post was a video which i recorded few days ago.
I was joining a school camp and time tok kmkorg benung relax bh. My friend and me was the entertainer for the day. But, this time I didn't sing. This song called Love Story from Taylor swift and sang by my friend, Monica Elen. Sorry for the lyrics. we're both not really sure about the lyric. so kitorang main bantai jer...
p/s: please ignore budak kecik nok makei baju warna kunin ya..